ec7fa8a17afb4ed09668ca3cba134dcd Increasing Importance Of STEM around the Globe

We know, how whole world is giving more and more recognition and value to computational thinking, activating programs and activities dedicated to its correct development in the school environment.     The coding in this plays a key role, because the computer program allows you to develop logical and creative skills for the use of new technologies 4.0.  Obviously this is a need that has not only been accepted in our country, but also by many others in the world. First of all the USA, with the “Every Student Succeeds Act”, signed by President Barack Obama in 2015 and his “Computer Science for All” initiative in 2016.  ESSA and CS for all: stem education in the USA    The first changes in the school environment in the United States were undertaken in 2015 with the signing of ESSA by President Obama, updating the previous No Child Left Behind (NCLB) reform of 2002. Recognizing that this had characteristics that made it now obsolete and not very functional for schools, in 2010 the Obama administration accepted the requests of families and teachers for the creation of a law that would focus on a new type of preparation of children, such as to guarantee greater success in the university and work fields.  This reform has given way to further initiatives aimed at improving the US education system, such as the one undertaken by President Obama himself in 2016, namely the CSS for all. The goal of the project is to ensure the teaching of scientific and IT materials to all students, from kindergarten to high school, allowing them to get those skills own of computational thinking they need to not only be passive consumers, but active citizens in this technology -driven world.   It was, and even more so today, to respond to a growing demand for 4.0 skills from the world of work. For example, over 600,000 profitable technology positions remained uncovered in the US last year. And it is expected that in 2018 51% of all so-called STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) jobs required will be in the IT field, of computers and information technology, considered relevant not only by the tech sector but also by those of transport, health, education and financial services. Figures that give an idea of ​​the need for extensive training for the creation of adequate professionalism.  In parallel, the same families recognize this need: 9 out of 10 parents have in fact stated in a survey that you want guaranteed teaching computer science in schools of their children. Yet according to some estimates, only a quarter of all schools in the United States offer quality levels of programming and coding study.  The goal of CS For All is to guarantee access to all students of all levels to study science and computer science in the United States. And in Europe which maneuvers have been activated?  Stem in Europe and three examples    The most recent maneuver adopted by the European Union is this year: it is the Digital Education Action Plan, created with the aim of pursuing 3 objectives:  -improve the use of digital technology for teaching and learning in schools   -promote the development of digital skills and abilities   -improve education through better data analysis and forecasting     This maneuver stems from the awareness that the advantages offered by computer education and new technologies are numerous but underestimated: the use of digital technologies can help reduce the learning gap between students belonging to high and low socio-economic levels; personalized study, guaranteed by IT tools, can increase students' motivation. Despite this, the process of integrating technologies in schools remains limited, for example we know that not all primary and secondary schools in Europe have a broadband connection, and that not all teachers have the necessary skills and security to use those tools. useful in teaching.  Effects on jobs relating to STEM   It is estimated that 90% of jobs will require IT skills in the near future, so it is essential that education systems offer the required qualifications. For this reason, the European Commission launched the "Open Education" initiative in 2013, in addition to the operations financed under the Erasmus + and Horizon 2020 programs.    The initiative also includes the portal, which helps users (teachers or students) to find available open educational resources and strengthens the visibility of the many quality resources produced in the old continent.  Three countries in Europe that are working in this direction are France, Germany and Great Britain.  Germany and STEAM    In Germany, the attention paid to STEM disciplines, which here have the acronym MINT (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik), has definitely led to good results.  According to last year's report 'Education at a Glance' of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), this country has acquired the role of the European leader in STEM education. Indeed, it is reported that 40% of tertiary graduates have opted to continue their studies in this field, both through universities and dedicated masters. This percentage is significantly higher than for example Mexico (32%), South Korea (31%), Japan (21%) and Turkey (18%).   Germany also leads the OECD states in terms of the number of diplomas obtained in the fields of mathematics, science and technology: 35% of the population between 25 and 64 have one, compared to a European average 27%. Additionally, the report points out that STEM qualifications allow for better job prospects than other disciplines.  French attention to STEM    In 2013, the Académie des sciences published an article entitled 'L'enseignement de l'formatique en France - Il est urgent de ne plus attendre', focusing on the importance and impact that computer subjects have every day in the world of work. The full article is available at this link.  The decision taken following this study was to implement a computer studies program from primary to high school, oriented towards understanding and better mastering the subject, going beyond the simple use of software and hardware.  A concrete example of this application is Fondation CGénial, created in 2006 with the support of the Ministry of Research, which in 2011 signed a partnership with the Ministry of Education, renewing its commitment in 2014 and then in 2017, for a development in within the national education system.  For over ten years, CGénial and its partners have undertaken numerous awareness-raising actions for young students: the CGénial National Competition, which has allowed more than 10,000 students to carry out team experiments in science and technology; the Ingénieurs et techniciens dans les classes and Professeurs en entreprise projects, which have allowed children and the protagonists of teaching and guidance to get to know the diversity of professions, training courses, innovative industries, research centers.  STEM in the UK    In 2012 the report 'Shut down or restart?: The way forward for computing in UK schools' was published, created by the Computing in Schools project, promoted by the Royal Society. The aim was to observe how computer science was taught in school, thanks to the support of 24 organizations from the country's science and technology community, including industry professionals, training companies, universities and industries.  In this report, Steve Furber, a professor of computer engineering at the University of Manchester, tells of the first maneuver implemented by Great Britain to respond to the needs that new technologies and computers were imposing on society at the beginning of this century. It involved the inclusion in the National Curriculum of IT subjects, under the heading ICT (Information and Communication Technology). The creation of the ICT National Curriculum, while having certainly brought benefits in the education sector, has not really impacted schools, giving rise to teaching courses that are often demotivating for students. 'It has therefore become reasonable for us to ask ourselves - Furber states in the text - if the subjects placed under the name ICT should be eliminated or renewed, and the participants in the project have definitely opted for this second path. A first method to improve the teaching of these subjects is to shift the ICT routine in favor of more creative and stimulating activities. […] For example, in secondary schools all pupils should have the possibility to work with microcontrollers and simple robots'.  Since that time, the projects to realize greater attention to STEM in schools have multiplied. Two of particular relevance are ICT For Education and STEM Learning: the first is a program created to help teachers and others within UK schools to acquire the technological skills necessary for their work; STEM Learning, on the other hand, deals with organizing courses and supporting professional careers in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  Speaking of computational thinking, as stated in the aforementioned report, 'computer use is changing our world in a profound way and it is hard to imagine it becoming less important in the future. In this document we discussed the fact that it is essential for all children at school to become familiar with the various aspects of Computing and for this they must be given the opportunity to develop their attitudes on the subject, for an individual benefit and for the future . prosperity of the nation.       Development Of STEM In The United States    In the early 2000s in the United States, the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics became increasingly integrated following the publication of several key reports. In particular, Rising Above the Gathering Storm (2005), a report of the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, emphasized the links between prosperity, knowledge-intensive jobs dependent on science and technology, and continued innovation to address societal problems. U.S. students were not achieving in the STEM disciplines at the same rate as students in other countries. The report predicted dire consequences if the country could not compete in the global economy as the result of a poorly prepared workforce. Thus, attention was focused on science, mathematics, and technology research; on economic policy; and on education. Those areas were seen as being crucial to maintaining U.S. prosperity.  Findings of international studies such as TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), a periodic international comparison of mathematics and science knowledge of fourth and eighth graders, and PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), a triennial assessment of knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds, reinforced concerns in the United States. PISA 2006 results indicated that the United States had a comparatively large proportion of underperforming students and that the country ranked 21st (in a panel of 30 countries) on assessments of scientific competency and knowledge.  The international comparisons fueled discussion of U.S. education and workforce needs. A bipartisan congressional STEM Education Caucus was formed, noting:  Our knowledge-based economy is driven by constant innovation. The foundation of innovation lies in a dynamic, motivated and well-educated workforce equipped with STEM skills.    While the goal in the United States is a prepared STEM workforce, the challenge is in determining the most-strategic expenditure of funds that will result in the greatest impact on the preparation of students to have success in STEM fields. It is necessary, therefore, to determine the shortcomings of traditional programs to ensure that new STEM-focused initiatives are intentionally planned.  A number of studies were conducted to reveal the needs of school systems and guide the development of appropriately targeted solutions. Concerned that there was no standard definition of STEM, the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation (a philanthropical organization based in southwestern Pennsylvania) commissioned a study to determine whether proposed initiatives aligned with educator needs. The study, which was administered jointly by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and the Intermediate Unit 1 (IU1) Center for STEM Education, noted that U.S. educators were unsure of the implications of STEM, particularly when scientific and technological literacy of all students was the goal. Educators lacked in-depth knowledge of STEM careers, and, as a consequence, they were not prepared to guide students to those fields.    The findings from several studies on educational practices encouraged U.S. state governors to seek methods to lead their states toward the goal of graduating every student from high school with essential STEM knowledge and competencies to succeed in postsecondary education and work. Six states received grants from the National Governors Association to pursue three key strategies: (1) to align state K-12 (kindergarten through 12th grade) standards, assessments, and requirements with postsecondary and workforce expectations; (2) to examine and increase each state's internal capacity to improve teaching and learning, including the continued development of data systems and new models to increase the quality of the K-12 STEM teaching force; and (3) to identify best practices in STEM education and bring them to scale, including specialized schools, effective curricula, and standards for Career and Technical Education (CTE) that would prepare students for STEM-related occupations.  In southwestern Pennsylvania, researchers drew heavily on the CMU / IU1 study to frame the region's STEM needs. In addition, a definition for STEM was developed in that region that has since become widely used, largely because it clearly links education goals with workforce needs:  [STEM is] an interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons as students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise enabling the development of STEM literacy and with it the ability to compete in the new economy.  STEM Education    STEM education experiences are made available in a variety of settings by schools and community organizations as a way of fostering a diverse STEM workforce. In the 2012 report Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education: A Primer, STEM education was defined as:  Teaching and learning in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It typically includes educational activities across all grade levels — from pre-school to post-doctorate — in both formal (e.g., classrooms) and informal (e.g., afterschool programs) settings.  Educators focused on improving science and mathematics instruction employed several approaches to K-12 STEM education. For example, some teachers integrated project-based activities that demanded knowledge and skill-application in specific areas, such as engineering. In some instances, extracurricular activities, including team competitions in which students worked together (for example, to build robots or to mock-engineer cities), were added or expanded. Students also were given opportunities to spend time with professionals in STEM fields, either job-shadowing or working as interns.  STEM Workforce    Throughout the second half of the 20th century, officials in developed countries focused on improving science, mathematics, and technology instruction, intending to not only increase literacy in those content areas but also expand existing workforces of scientists and engineers. The importance placed on the role of educational programs in preparing students to participate in the workforce and compete in the global economy was signaled by the continued participation in the early 21st century of dozens of countries in the periodic international comparisons (TIMSS and PISA) of student knowledge and skills. Moreover, an Australian study on global STEM policies and practices revealed in 2013 that countries worldwide were working to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups (e.g., women and girls) in STEM studies and careers. Efforts were also being made to increase general awareness of STEM careers and to provide a deeper understanding of STEM content through application and problem-solving activities.  Many countries had created STEM-specific educational pathways with options for technical, vocational, or academic tracks of study. Some programs emphasized the sharing of educational strategies across national borders as a way of enhancing STEM learning and better preparing students to solve problems faced by society. In Europe, coinciding with events in the United States, foundations and educational officials called for specific programs to help teachers make connections between content learned in science classrooms and STEM career opportunities where students could apply their knowledge.  From 2000 to 2010 the growth in STEM jobs in the United States was at three times the rate of growth in non-STEM jobs. However, racial and gender gaps remained a problem. Employers continued to struggle with the need for qualified STEM workers. While some programs demonstrated success in bringing underrepresented groups into STEM fields and careers, such efforts were not widespread, and many students were left without effective STEM experiences.  In the United States and elsewhere, the absence of a clear definition of STEM contributed to disagreement about what professions actually qualified as STEM careers. Some groups considered any job requiring skills and knowledge from any STEM field to constitute a STEM job. However, government agencies used different criteria for designating such jobs. The criteria of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), for example, implied that many STEM jobs require specialized knowledge, but they may not require a baccalaureate or graduate degree. The DOC defined four categories of STEM occupations: computer and math, engineering and surveying, physical and life sciences, and STEM management. Education and social sciences were excluded.  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has had a difficult time analyzing statistics for STEM occupations, since there is no commonly agreed-upon definition of a STEM job. However, a working group of representatives from U.S. government agencies and offices identified 96 STEM occupations and divided them into two domains with two sub-domains each. The first domain was the Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Information Technology Domain, with the sub-domains Life and Physical Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Information Technology Occupations; and Social Science Occupations. The second domain was the Science- and Engineering-Related Domain, with the sub-domains Architecture Occupations and Health Occupations. The BLS list of STEM occupations included relevant education fields and social science as STEM careers. Despite their differences, all reports agreed that workers in STEM occupations were critically important, as they drove economic growth and competitiveness through innovations that addressed global challenges and created additional jobs

We know, how whole world is giving more and more recognition and value to computational thinking, activating programs and activities dedicated to its correct development in the school environment.

The coding in this plays a key role, because the computer program allows you to develop logical and creative skills for the use of new technologies 4.0.

Obviously this is a need that has not only been accepted in our country, but also by many others in the world. First of all the USA, with the “Every Student Succeeds Act”, signed by President Barack Obama in 2015 and his “Computer Science for All” initiative in 2016.

ESSA and CS for all: stem education in the USA

The first changes in the school environment in the United States were undertaken in 2015 with the signing of ESSA by President Obama, updating the previous No Child Left Behind (NCLB) reform of 2002.
Recognizing that this had characteristics that made it now obsolete and not very functional for schools, in 2010 the Obama administration accepted the requests of families and teachers for the creation of a law that would focus on a new type of preparation of children, such as to guarantee greater success in the university and work fields.

This reform has given way to further initiatives aimed at improving the US education system, such as the one undertaken by President Obama himself in 2016, namely the CSS for all. The goal of the project is to ensure the teaching of scientific and IT materials to all students, from kindergarten to high school, allowing them to get those skills own of computational thinking they need to not only be passive consumers, but active citizens in this technology -driven world.

It was, and even more so today, to respond to a growing demand for 4.0 skills from the world of work.
For example, over 600,000 profitable technology positions remained uncovered in the US last year. And it is expected that in 2018 51% of all so-called STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) jobs required will be in the IT field, of computers and information technology, considered relevant not only by the tech sector but also by those of transport, health, education and financial services. Figures that give an idea of ​​the need for extensive training for the creation of adequate professionalism.

In parallel, the same families recognize this need: 9 out of 10 parents have in fact stated in a survey that you want guaranteed teaching computer science in schools of their children. Yet according to some estimates, only a quarter of all schools in the United States offer quality levels of programming and coding study.

The goal of CS For All is to guarantee access to all students of all levels to study science and computer science in the United States.
And in Europe which maneuvers have been activated?

Stem in Europe and three examples

The most recent maneuver adopted by the European Union is this year: it is the Digital Education Action Plan, created with the aim of pursuing 3 objectives:

-improve the use of digital technology for teaching and learning in schools

-promote the development of digital skills and abilitie

-improve education through better data analysis and forecasting

This maneuver stems from the awareness that the advantages offered by computer education and new technologies are numerous but underestimated: the use of digital technologies can help reduce the learning gap between students belonging to high and low socio-economic levels; personalized study, guaranteed by IT tools, can increase students' motivation.
Despite this, the process of integrating technologies in schools remains limited, for example we know that not all primary and secondary schools in Europe have a broadband connection, and that not all teachers have the necessary skills and security to use those tools. useful in teaching.

Effects on jobs relating to STEM

It is estimated that 90% of jobs will require IT skills in the near future, so it is essential that education systems offer the required qualifications.
For this reason, the European Commission launched the "Open Education" initiative in 2013, in addition to the operations financed under the Erasmus +
and Horizon 2020 programs.

The initiative also includes the portal, which helps users (teachers or students) to find available open educational resources and strengthens the visibility of the many quality resources produced in the old continent.

Three countries in Europe that are working in this direction are France, Germany and Great Britain.

Germany and STEAM

In Germany, the attention paid to STEM disciplines, which here have the acronym MINT (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik), has definitely led to good results.

According to last year's report 'Education at a Glance' of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), this country has acquired the role of the European leader in STEM education. Indeed, it is reported that 40% of tertiary graduates have opted to continue their studies in this field, both through universities and dedicated masters. This percentage is significantly higher than for example Mexico (32%), South Korea (31%), Japan (21%) and Turkey (18%).

Germany also leads the OECD states in terms of the number of diplomas obtained in the fields of mathematics, science and technology: 35% of the population between 25 and 64 have one, compared to a European average 27%. Additionally, the report points out that STEM qualifications allow for better job prospects than other disciplines.

French attention to STEM

In 2013, the Académie des sciences published an article entitled 'L'enseignement de l'formatique en France - Il est urgent de ne plus attendre', focusing on the importance and impact that computer subjects have every day in the world of work. The full article is available at this link.

The decision taken following this study was to implement a computer studies program from primary to high school, oriented towards understanding and better mastering the subject, going beyond the simple use of software and hardware.

A concrete example of this application is Fondation CGénial, created in 2006 with the support of the Ministry of Research, which in 2011 signed a partnership with the Ministry of Education, renewing its commitment in 2014 and then in 2017, for a development in within the national education system.

For over ten years, CGénial and its partners have undertaken numerous awareness-raising actions for young students: the CGénial National Competition, which has allowed more than 10,000 students to carry out team experiments in science and technology; the Ingénieurs et techniciens dans les classes and Professeurs en entreprise projects, which have allowed children and the protagonists of teaching and guidance to get to know the diversity of professions, training courses, innovative industries, research centers.

STEM in the UK

In 2012 the report 'Shut down or restart?: The way forward for computing in UK schools' was published, created by the Computing in Schools project, promoted by the Royal Society. The aim was to observe how computer science was taught in school, thanks to the support of 24 organizations from the country's science and technology community, including industry professionals, training companies, universities and industries.

In this report, Steve Furber, a professor of computer engineering at the University of Manchester, tells of the first maneuver implemented by Great Britain to respond to the needs that new technologies and computers were imposing on society at the beginning of this century. It involved the inclusion in the National Curriculum of IT subjects, under the heading ICT (Information and Communication Technology). The creation of the ICT National Curriculum, while having certainly brought benefits in the education sector, has not really impacted schools, giving rise to teaching courses that are often demotivating for students.
'It has therefore become reasonable for us to ask ourselves - Furber states in the text - if the subjects placed under the name ICT should be eliminated or renewed, and the participants in the project have definitely opted for this second path. A first method to improve the teaching of these subjects is to shift the ICT routine in favor of more creative and stimulating activities. […] For example, in secondary schools all pupils should have the possibility to work with microcontrollers and simple robots'.

Since that time, the projects to realize greater attention to STEM in schools have multiplied. Two of particular relevance are ICT For Education and STEM Learning: the first is a program created to help teachers and others within UK schools to acquire the technological skills necessary for their work; STEM Learning, on the other hand, deals with organizing courses and supporting professional careers in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

Speaking of computational thinking, as stated in the aforementioned report, 'computer use is changing our world in a profound way and it is hard to imagine it becoming less important in the future. In this document we discussed the fact that it is essential for all children at school to become familiar with the various aspects of Computing and for this they must be given the opportunity to develop their attitudes on the subject, for an individual benefit and for the future . prosperity of the nation.

We know, how whole world is giving more and more recognition and value to computational thinking, activating programs and activities dedicated to its correct development in the school environment.     The coding in this plays a key role, because the computer program allows you to develop logical and creative skills for the use of new technologies 4.0.  Obviously this is a need that has not only been accepted in our country, but also by many others in the world. First of all the USA, with the “Every Student Succeeds Act”, signed by President Barack Obama in 2015 and his “Computer Science for All” initiative in 2016.  ESSA and CS for all: stem education in the USA    The first changes in the school environment in the United States were undertaken in 2015 with the signing of ESSA by President Obama, updating the previous No Child Left Behind (NCLB) reform of 2002. Recognizing that this had characteristics that made it now obsolete and not very functional for schools, in 2010 the Obama administration accepted the requests of families and teachers for the creation of a law that would focus on a new type of preparation of children, such as to guarantee greater success in the university and work fields.  This reform has given way to further initiatives aimed at improving the US education system, such as the one undertaken by President Obama himself in 2016, namely the CSS for all. The goal of the project is to ensure the teaching of scientific and IT materials to all students, from kindergarten to high school, allowing them to get those skills own of computational thinking they need to not only be passive consumers, but active citizens in this technology -driven world.   It was, and even more so today, to respond to a growing demand for 4.0 skills from the world of work. For example, over 600,000 profitable technology positions remained uncovered in the US last year. And it is expected that in 2018 51% of all so-called STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) jobs required will be in the IT field, of computers and information technology, considered relevant not only by the tech sector but also by those of transport, health, education and financial services. Figures that give an idea of ​​the need for extensive training for the creation of adequate professionalism.  In parallel, the same families recognize this need: 9 out of 10 parents have in fact stated in a survey that you want guaranteed teaching computer science in schools of their children. Yet according to some estimates, only a quarter of all schools in the United States offer quality levels of programming and coding study.  The goal of CS For All is to guarantee access to all students of all levels to study science and computer science in the United States. And in Europe which maneuvers have been activated?  Stem in Europe and three examples    The most recent maneuver adopted by the European Union is this year: it is the Digital Education Action Plan, created with the aim of pursuing 3 objectives:  -improve the use of digital technology for teaching and learning in schools   -promote the development of digital skills and abilities   -improve education through better data analysis and forecasting     This maneuver stems from the awareness that the advantages offered by computer education and new technologies are numerous but underestimated: the use of digital technologies can help reduce the learning gap between students belonging to high and low socio-economic levels; personalized study, guaranteed by IT tools, can increase students' motivation. Despite this, the process of integrating technologies in schools remains limited, for example we know that not all primary and secondary schools in Europe have a broadband connection, and that not all teachers have the necessary skills and security to use those tools. useful in teaching.  Effects on jobs relating to STEM   It is estimated that 90% of jobs will require IT skills in the near future, so it is essential that education systems offer the required qualifications. For this reason, the European Commission launched the "Open Education" initiative in 2013, in addition to the operations financed under the Erasmus + and Horizon 2020 programs.    The initiative also includes the portal, which helps users (teachers or students) to find available open educational resources and strengthens the visibility of the many quality resources produced in the old continent.  Three countries in Europe that are working in this direction are France, Germany and Great Britain.  Germany and STEAM    In Germany, the attention paid to STEM disciplines, which here have the acronym MINT (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaft und Technik), has definitely led to good results.  According to last year's report 'Education at a Glance' of the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), this country has acquired the role of the European leader in STEM education. Indeed, it is reported that 40% of tertiary graduates have opted to continue their studies in this field, both through universities and dedicated masters. This percentage is significantly higher than for example Mexico (32%), South Korea (31%), Japan (21%) and Turkey (18%).   Germany also leads the OECD states in terms of the number of diplomas obtained in the fields of mathematics, science and technology: 35% of the population between 25 and 64 have one, compared to a European average 27%. Additionally, the report points out that STEM qualifications allow for better job prospects than other disciplines.  French attention to STEM    In 2013, the Académie des sciences published an article entitled 'L'enseignement de l'formatique en France - Il est urgent de ne plus attendre', focusing on the importance and impact that computer subjects have every day in the world of work. The full article is available at this link.  The decision taken following this study was to implement a computer studies program from primary to high school, oriented towards understanding and better mastering the subject, going beyond the simple use of software and hardware.  A concrete example of this application is Fondation CGénial, created in 2006 with the support of the Ministry of Research, which in 2011 signed a partnership with the Ministry of Education, renewing its commitment in 2014 and then in 2017, for a development in within the national education system.  For over ten years, CGénial and its partners have undertaken numerous awareness-raising actions for young students: the CGénial National Competition, which has allowed more than 10,000 students to carry out team experiments in science and technology; the Ingénieurs et techniciens dans les classes and Professeurs en entreprise projects, which have allowed children and the protagonists of teaching and guidance to get to know the diversity of professions, training courses, innovative industries, research centers.  STEM in the UK    In 2012 the report 'Shut down or restart?: The way forward for computing in UK schools' was published, created by the Computing in Schools project, promoted by the Royal Society. The aim was to observe how computer science was taught in school, thanks to the support of 24 organizations from the country's science and technology community, including industry professionals, training companies, universities and industries.  In this report, Steve Furber, a professor of computer engineering at the University of Manchester, tells of the first maneuver implemented by Great Britain to respond to the needs that new technologies and computers were imposing on society at the beginning of this century. It involved the inclusion in the National Curriculum of IT subjects, under the heading ICT (Information and Communication Technology). The creation of the ICT National Curriculum, while having certainly brought benefits in the education sector, has not really impacted schools, giving rise to teaching courses that are often demotivating for students. 'It has therefore become reasonable for us to ask ourselves - Furber states in the text - if the subjects placed under the name ICT should be eliminated or renewed, and the participants in the project have definitely opted for this second path. A first method to improve the teaching of these subjects is to shift the ICT routine in favor of more creative and stimulating activities. […] For example, in secondary schools all pupils should have the possibility to work with microcontrollers and simple robots'.  Since that time, the projects to realize greater attention to STEM in schools have multiplied. Two of particular relevance are ICT For Education and STEM Learning: the first is a program created to help teachers and others within UK schools to acquire the technological skills necessary for their work; STEM Learning, on the other hand, deals with organizing courses and supporting professional careers in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and mathematics.  Speaking of computational thinking, as stated in the aforementioned report, 'computer use is changing our world in a profound way and it is hard to imagine it becoming less important in the future. In this document we discussed the fact that it is essential for all children at school to become familiar with the various aspects of Computing and for this they must be given the opportunity to develop their attitudes on the subject, for an individual benefit and for the future . prosperity of the nation.       Development Of STEM In The United States    In the early 2000s in the United States, the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics became increasingly integrated following the publication of several key reports. In particular, Rising Above the Gathering Storm (2005), a report of the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, emphasized the links between prosperity, knowledge-intensive jobs dependent on science and technology, and continued innovation to address societal problems. U.S. students were not achieving in the STEM disciplines at the same rate as students in other countries. The report predicted dire consequences if the country could not compete in the global economy as the result of a poorly prepared workforce. Thus, attention was focused on science, mathematics, and technology research; on economic policy; and on education. Those areas were seen as being crucial to maintaining U.S. prosperity.  Findings of international studies such as TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), a periodic international comparison of mathematics and science knowledge of fourth and eighth graders, and PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), a triennial assessment of knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds, reinforced concerns in the United States. PISA 2006 results indicated that the United States had a comparatively large proportion of underperforming students and that the country ranked 21st (in a panel of 30 countries) on assessments of scientific competency and knowledge.  The international comparisons fueled discussion of U.S. education and workforce needs. A bipartisan congressional STEM Education Caucus was formed, noting:  Our knowledge-based economy is driven by constant innovation. The foundation of innovation lies in a dynamic, motivated and well-educated workforce equipped with STEM skills.    While the goal in the United States is a prepared STEM workforce, the challenge is in determining the most-strategic expenditure of funds that will result in the greatest impact on the preparation of students to have success in STEM fields. It is necessary, therefore, to determine the shortcomings of traditional programs to ensure that new STEM-focused initiatives are intentionally planned.  A number of studies were conducted to reveal the needs of school systems and guide the development of appropriately targeted solutions. Concerned that there was no standard definition of STEM, the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation (a philanthropical organization based in southwestern Pennsylvania) commissioned a study to determine whether proposed initiatives aligned with educator needs. The study, which was administered jointly by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and the Intermediate Unit 1 (IU1) Center for STEM Education, noted that U.S. educators were unsure of the implications of STEM, particularly when scientific and technological literacy of all students was the goal. Educators lacked in-depth knowledge of STEM careers, and, as a consequence, they were not prepared to guide students to those fields.    The findings from several studies on educational practices encouraged U.S. state governors to seek methods to lead their states toward the goal of graduating every student from high school with essential STEM knowledge and competencies to succeed in postsecondary education and work. Six states received grants from the National Governors Association to pursue three key strategies: (1) to align state K-12 (kindergarten through 12th grade) standards, assessments, and requirements with postsecondary and workforce expectations; (2) to examine and increase each state's internal capacity to improve teaching and learning, including the continued development of data systems and new models to increase the quality of the K-12 STEM teaching force; and (3) to identify best practices in STEM education and bring them to scale, including specialized schools, effective curricula, and standards for Career and Technical Education (CTE) that would prepare students for STEM-related occupations.  In southwestern Pennsylvania, researchers drew heavily on the CMU / IU1 study to frame the region's STEM needs. In addition, a definition for STEM was developed in that region that has since become widely used, largely because it clearly links education goals with workforce needs:  [STEM is] an interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons as students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise enabling the development of STEM literacy and with it the ability to compete in the new economy.  STEM Education    STEM education experiences are made available in a variety of settings by schools and community organizations as a way of fostering a diverse STEM workforce. In the 2012 report Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education: A Primer, STEM education was defined as:  Teaching and learning in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It typically includes educational activities across all grade levels — from pre-school to post-doctorate — in both formal (e.g., classrooms) and informal (e.g., afterschool programs) settings.  Educators focused on improving science and mathematics instruction employed several approaches to K-12 STEM education. For example, some teachers integrated project-based activities that demanded knowledge and skill-application in specific areas, such as engineering. In some instances, extracurricular activities, including team competitions in which students worked together (for example, to build robots or to mock-engineer cities), were added or expanded. Students also were given opportunities to spend time with professionals in STEM fields, either job-shadowing or working as interns.  STEM Workforce    Throughout the second half of the 20th century, officials in developed countries focused on improving science, mathematics, and technology instruction, intending to not only increase literacy in those content areas but also expand existing workforces of scientists and engineers. The importance placed on the role of educational programs in preparing students to participate in the workforce and compete in the global economy was signaled by the continued participation in the early 21st century of dozens of countries in the periodic international comparisons (TIMSS and PISA) of student knowledge and skills. Moreover, an Australian study on global STEM policies and practices revealed in 2013 that countries worldwide were working to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups (e.g., women and girls) in STEM studies and careers. Efforts were also being made to increase general awareness of STEM careers and to provide a deeper understanding of STEM content through application and problem-solving activities.  Many countries had created STEM-specific educational pathways with options for technical, vocational, or academic tracks of study. Some programs emphasized the sharing of educational strategies across national borders as a way of enhancing STEM learning and better preparing students to solve problems faced by society. In Europe, coinciding with events in the United States, foundations and educational officials called for specific programs to help teachers make connections between content learned in science classrooms and STEM career opportunities where students could apply their knowledge.  From 2000 to 2010 the growth in STEM jobs in the United States was at three times the rate of growth in non-STEM jobs. However, racial and gender gaps remained a problem. Employers continued to struggle with the need for qualified STEM workers. While some programs demonstrated success in bringing underrepresented groups into STEM fields and careers, such efforts were not widespread, and many students were left without effective STEM experiences.  In the United States and elsewhere, the absence of a clear definition of STEM contributed to disagreement about what professions actually qualified as STEM careers. Some groups considered any job requiring skills and knowledge from any STEM field to constitute a STEM job. However, government agencies used different criteria for designating such jobs. The criteria of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), for example, implied that many STEM jobs require specialized knowledge, but they may not require a baccalaureate or graduate degree. The DOC defined four categories of STEM occupations: computer and math, engineering and surveying, physical and life sciences, and STEM management. Education and social sciences were excluded.  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has had a difficult time analyzing statistics for STEM occupations, since there is no commonly agreed-upon definition of a STEM job. However, a working group of representatives from U.S. government agencies and offices identified 96 STEM occupations and divided them into two domains with two sub-domains each. The first domain was the Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Information Technology Domain, with the sub-domains Life and Physical Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Information Technology Occupations; and Social Science Occupations. The second domain was the Science- and Engineering-Related Domain, with the sub-domains Architecture Occupations and Health Occupations. The BLS list of STEM occupations included relevant education fields and social science as STEM careers. Despite their differences, all reports agreed that workers in STEM occupations were critically important, as they drove economic growth and competitiveness through innovations that addressed global challenges and created additional jobs

Development Of STEM In The United States

In the early 2000s in the United States, the disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics became increasingly integrated following the publication of several key reports. In particular, Rising Above the Gathering Storm (2005), a report of the U.S. National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine, emphasized the links between prosperity, knowledge-intensive jobs dependent on science and technology, and continued innovation to address societal problems. U.S. students were not achieving in the STEM disciplines at the same rate as students in other countries. The report predicted dire consequences if the country could not compete in the global economy as the result of a poorly prepared workforce. Thus, attention was focused on science, mathematics, and technology research; on economic policy; and on education. Those areas were seen as being crucial to maintaining U.S. prosperity.

Findings of international studies such as TIMSS (Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study), a periodic international comparison of mathematics and science knowledge of fourth and eighth graders, and PISA (Program for International Student Assessment), a triennial assessment of knowledge and skills of 15-year-olds, reinforced concerns in the United States. PISA 2006 results indicated that the United States had a comparatively large proportion of underperforming students and that the country ranked 21st (in a panel of 30 countries) on assessments of scientific competency and knowledge.

The international comparisons fueled discussion of U.S. education and workforce needs. A bipartisan congressional STEM Education Caucus was formed, noting:

Our knowledge-based economy is driven by constant innovation. The foundation of innovation lies in a dynamic, motivated and well-educated workforce equipped with STEM skills.

While the goal in the United States is a prepared STEM workforce, the challenge is in determining the most-strategic expenditure of funds that will result in the greatest impact on the preparation of students to have success in STEM fields. It is necessary, therefore, to determine the shortcomings of traditional programs to ensure that new STEM-focused initiatives are intentionally planned.

A number of studies were conducted to reveal the needs of school systems and guide the development of appropriately targeted solutions. Concerned that there was no standard definition of STEM, the Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation (a philanthropical organization based in southwestern Pennsylvania) commissioned a study to determine whether proposed initiatives aligned with educator needs. The study, which was administered jointly by Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and the Intermediate Unit 1 (IU1) Center for STEM Education, noted that U.S. educators were unsure of the implications of STEM, particularly when scientific and technological literacy of all students was the goal. Educators lacked in-depth knowledge of STEM careers, and, as a consequence, they were not prepared to guide students to those fields.

The findings from several studies on educational practices encouraged U.S. state governors to seek methods to lead their states toward the goal of graduating every student from high school with essential STEM knowledge and competencies to succeed in postsecondary education and work. Six states received grants from the National Governors Association to pursue three key strategies: (1) to align state K-12 (kindergarten through 12th grade) standards, assessments, and requirements with postsecondary and workforce expectations; (2) to examine and increase each state's internal capacity to improve teaching and learning, including the continued development of data systems and new models to increase the quality of the K-12 STEM teaching force; and (3) to identify best practices in STEM education and bring them to scale, including specialized schools, effective curricula, and standards for Career and Technical Education (CTE) that would prepare students for STEM-related occupations.

In southwestern Pennsylvania, researchers drew heavily on the CMU / IU1 study to frame the region's STEM needs. In addition, a definition for STEM was developed in that region that has since become widely used, largely because it clearly links education goals with workforce needs:

[STEM is] an interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real-world lessons as students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise enabling the development of STEM literacy and with it the ability to compete in the new economy.

STEM Education

STEM education experiences are made available in a variety of settings by schools and community organizations as a way of fostering a diverse STEM workforce. In the 2012 report Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education: A Primer, STEM education was defined as:

Teaching and learning in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. It typically includes educational activities across all grade levels — from pre-school to post-doctorate — in both formal (e.g., classrooms) and informal (e.g., afterschool programs) settings.

Educators focused on improving science and mathematics instruction employed several approaches to K-12 STEM education. For example, some teachers integrated project-based activities that demanded knowledge and skill-application in specific areas, such as engineering. In some instances, extracurricular activities, including team competitions in which students worked together (for example, to build robots or to mock-engineer cities), were added or expanded. Students also were given opportunities to spend time with professionals in STEM fields, either job-shadowing or working as interns.

STEM Workforce

Throughout the second half of the 20th century, officials in developed countries focused on improving science, mathematics, and technology instruction, intending to not only increase literacy in those content areas but also expand existing workforces of scientists and engineers. The importance placed on the role of educational programs in preparing students to participate in the workforce and compete in the global economy was signaled by the continued participation in the early 21st century of dozens of countries in the periodic international comparisons (TIMSS and PISA) of student knowledge and skills. Moreover, an Australian study on global STEM policies and practices revealed in 2013 that countries worldwide were working to broaden the participation of underrepresented groups (e.g., women and girls) in STEM studies and careers. Efforts were also being made to increase general awareness of STEM careers and to provide a deeper understanding of STEM content through application and problem-solving activities.

Many countries had created STEM-specific educational pathways with options for technical, vocational, or academic tracks of study. Some programs emphasized the sharing of educational strategies across national borders as a way of enhancing STEM learning and better preparing students to solve problems faced by society. In Europe, coinciding with events in the United States, foundations and educational officials called for specific programs to help teachers make connections between content learned in science classrooms and STEM career opportunities where students could apply their knowledge.

From 2000 to 2010 the growth in STEM jobs in the United States was at three times the rate of growth in non-STEM jobs. However, racial and gender gaps remained a problem. Employers continued to struggle with the need for qualified STEM workers. While some programs demonstrated success in bringing underrepresented groups into STEM fields and careers, such efforts were not widespread, and many students were left without effective STEM experiences.

In the United States and elsewhere, the absence of a clear definition of STEM contributed to disagreement about what professions actually qualified as STEM careers. Some groups considered any job requiring skills and knowledge from any STEM field to constitute a STEM job. However, government agencies used different criteria for designating such jobs. The criteria of the U.S. Department of Commerce (DOC), for example, implied that many STEM jobs require specialized knowledge, but they may not require a baccalaureate or graduate degree. The DOC defined four categories of STEM occupations: computer and math, engineering and surveying, physical and life sciences, and STEM management. Education and social sciences were excluded.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has had a difficult time analyzing statistics for STEM occupations, since there is no commonly agreed-upon definition of a STEM job. However, a working group of representatives from U.S. government agencies and offices identified 96 STEM occupations and divided them into two domains with two sub-domains each. The first domain was the Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Information Technology Domain, with the sub-domains Life and Physical Science, Engineering, Mathematics, and Information Technology Occupations; and Social Science Occupations. The second domain was the Science- and Engineering-Related Domain, with the sub-domains Architecture Occupations and Health Occupations. The BLS list of STEM occupations included relevant education fields and social science as STEM careers. Despite their differences, all reports agreed that workers in STEM occupations were critically important, as they drove economic growth and competitiveness through innovations that addressed global challenges and created additional jobs

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