to communicate
"Let's face it"
I have always feared this phrase, which is never an invitation to transparency, but the opening of hostilities.
communicate communicative asymmetry
The wolf and the Lamb had come to the compulsive sites to the stream of the same prophet: The wolf was standing higher upstream, and the Lamb is the then he brought in the jaws of the wicked robber, roused by the cause of quarreling. Why, says he, troubled have done to me this prayer they say? A woolly against.
I was afraid, that I am able to, I pray thee, to do what is your complaint, Lupus? From your eyes down to the drinking water. He was rejected the force of truth, before these six months, do evil, that he said, Thou hast told me. Lamb replied: That I was born. Father doubts your God, says he, cursed me with a. And after this, when thou art reproved, tear with the death of the unjust.
This is not the solution to play these writings, which posed Causes oppress the innocent habited by Jews.
A wolf and a lamb, driven by thirst, found themselves drinking in the same stream. The wolf was further upstream while
the lamb drank some distance downstream. Hunger, however, prompted the wolf to strike a fight and then said:
"Why do you dare cloud my water?"
The trembling lamb replied, "How can I do this if the water flows from you to me?"
"It's true, but six months ago you insulted me with bad words."
"Impossible, six months ago I was not born yet".
"Then" resumed the wolf "it was certainly your father who addressed all those rudeness to me." So he jumped on the lamb and if I eat.
This story is aimed at all those who oppress the righteous by hiding behind false pretexts.
The wolf and the lamb
Lupus et agnus
Making a film means improving life, arranging it in your own way, means extending childhood games
The sense of a film is incorporated into its rhythm as the sense of a gesture is immediately readable in the gesture,
and the film means nothing but itself. [...]
It is the happiness of the art of showing how something becomes meaning [...]
thanks to the temporal or spatial arrangement of the elements.
never use a foreign expression, a scientific term, or a difficult word if you can find the equivalent in everyday language.
Television is an invention that allows you to entertain yourself in your living room by people you never want
have in the house
I was afraid, that I am able to, I pray thee, to do what is your complaint, Lupus? From your eyes down to the drinking water. He was rejected the force of truth, before these six months, do evil, that he said, Thou hast told me. Lamb replied: That I was born. Father doubts your God, says he, cursed me with a. And after this, when thou art reproved, tear with the death of the unjust.
This is not the solution to play these writings, which posed Causes oppress the innocent habited by Jews.
A wolf and a lamb, driven by thirst, found themselves drinking in the same stream. The wolf was further upstream while
the lamb drank some distance downstream. Hunger, however, prompted the wolf to strike a fight and then said:
"Why do you dare cloud my water?"
The trembling lamb replied, "How can I do this if the water flows from you to me?"
"It's true, but six months ago you insulted me with bad words."
"Impossible, six months ago I was not born yet".
"Then" resumed the wolf "it was certainly your father who addressed all those rudeness to me." So he jumped on the lamb and if I eat.
This story is aimed at all those who oppress the righteous by hiding behind false pretexts.
The wolf and the lamb
Lupus et agnus
by Phaedrus
communicate movies
Making a film means improving life, arranging it in your own way, means extending childhood games
communicate movies
The sense of a film is incorporated into its rhythm as the sense of a gesture is immediately readable in the gesture,
and the film means nothing but itself. [...]
It is the happiness of the art of showing how something becomes meaning [...]
thanks to the temporal or spatial arrangement of the elements.
communicate foreign languages
never use a foreign expression, a scientific term, or a difficult word if you can find the equivalent in everyday language.
communicate TELEVISION
Television is an invention that allows you to entertain yourself in your living room by people you never want
have in the house
It's easy to say: "Here I am!" - We must also be there.
Stanisław Jerzy Lec, Unkempt Thoughts
communication listening
Barthes distinguished between types of listening:
that of sound clues, of our ancestors, animals and primates: listening as alarm.
Listening as deciphering: it is listening to man, deciphering and interpreting.
And "applied" listening: the act intentional listening, a completely modern phenomenon. However, this type of listening, the contemporary one,
is another panic listening: open to all forms of listening. Here we are close to listening to the spies, to the moles.
Speaking of this third listening, Barthes wrote that there is no longer anyone who confides and confesses on one side, and on the other
who listens, is silent, sanctions, evaluates: everyone is listened to and listens at the same time. There
is contemporaneity the paradise of spies? Barthes speaks of "free listening", a listening that circulates e
exchanges, then disrupts with its mobility the rigid network of the ancient listening places: the prison, the confessional, the bedroom.
calm discussions are what I prefer because they are certainly more constructive.
You can think in the opposite way but discuss in a civil way, so you can always find a point of contact.
How can I avoid polemics for their own sake because they usually don't add anything.
"To exercise our humility and patience God uses people who hurt us. One day we will see how much there is those who crucify us are useful. "
It's easy to say: "Here I am!" - We must also be there.
Milan, June 5 2018
In the age of technology, 52% of Italians still do not use the Internet. And we're talking about something like 26.6 million Italians. If we then analyze the 31% that represents the real "technological avant-garde", we see a further one subdivision: compared to 14% of the population (something like 7.4 million Italians) that combines a use aware, interactive and evolved of technologies with a high propensity to consume cultural content
(they are the so-called Eclectics), we find a 17%, equal to 8.9 million Italians (the so-called Technofan) who use technologies mostly passively, as entertainment or to communicate. From the data emerging from the survey this gap is likely to increase in the future.
Industries of digital content & consumers ”commissioned by the Permanent Observatory on digital content, presented today at Rome. The research was carried out on a representative sample of the Italian population of 8,500 individuals with
more than 14 years for the quantitative part and on specific focus groups for five types of content users (from 13 to 50 years old) for the qualitative part. What emerged from it?
Are Italians a people with a low propensity for culture and technologically not very advanced? To guide users
towards an advanced and interactive use of new technologies (more culture = more conscious and advanced use of technologies) is not so much the availability or frequent use of new and trending technologies: the technology itself it constitutes a neutral instrument. What makes the difference is the habit of enjoying cultural consumption.
The greater the consumption of culture, the greater the propensity to use innovative technologies: they are the Eclectics, strong
readers, high purchasers of music and DVDs and consumers of cinema, the strongest users of the potential offered by the Web2.0.
Strong users of TV programs, on the other hand, tend to reduce technological consumption: more than the digital divide it is therefore more
it is correct to speak of cultural divide. There are not even major differences between North and South, it matters a lot instead more if you live in a big city or in a small town.
What about the future? Advanced use of technologies and strong cultural consumption are closely linked: it emerges from the survey
clearly, however, that - and this is the most worrying sign - even the most technologically advanced parents, fail to transmit the passion for culture to their children, who, consequently, will increasingly use technologies as pure gadgets. Even the children of Eclectic parents, that is linked to technologies and culture, are migrating to the Technofan group, certainly emancipated in terms of technology, but not equipped with tools cultural activities that allow them to control and manage it.
Are girls more familiar with technologies? A positive sign comes from the youngest: not only 14- 24-year-olds use the Internet as much as their male colleagues but weekly use of forums and blogs sees an impact higher among young women (14-24 years) than their male peers (43% vs 35% among 14-19 year olds and 28% vs 19% among 20-24 year olds, internet user base), probably due to the greater need for comparison and sharing. TO from the age of 25, on the other hand, males are the main users. On the contrary, the use of file sharing systems
it is a "masculine fact" in all age groups.
The most used platforms: (at least once a week) PC with DVD (39%) and mobile phone with MP3 / video / camera (33%), followed by DVD player (26%). MP3 / i-Pod player and LCD / Plasma TV follow with 15%. Instant messaging systems (Messenger, Skype) and forums / blogs are the most Internet services frequently used: 27% and 22% of users use it at least once a week respectively Internet.
Online content purchases: an emerging phenomenon. Buying CDs, DVDs and books still happens massively offline. Online is still a limited phenomenon that currently affects about 10% of Internet heavy users, those who connect from home every day or almost (and 3% if reported to the Italian population in his complex). The role of the internet is still only emerging with the partial exception of P2P for music (15% of population) and videos (11% of the population) ok. Free music downloads account for 8% of the population.
“The survey clearly shows that the conscious and advanced use of technologies largely depends
from the cultural tools that users are equipped with - underlined the president of the Digital Publishing Group of AIE, Fernando Folini - Only by creating conditions for their development will it be possible to exploit and develop them in the best possible way
opportunities that innovations will gradually present. This is why AIE, AIDRO, FIMI, UNIVIDEO and CINECITTÁ HOLDINGS have chosen to create a permanent observatory. From these data we start again, not only for bring culture and cultural content digitally closer to young and old, but also to understand how raise awareness among Italians on sensitive issues that are indispensable for us, such as the protection of copyright ".
Always defame your enemy. You will see that something remains in people's memory.
love words with the taste that the musician has for sounds and timbres, the painter for colors and mixtures, the sculptor for shapes and the skin of matter.
The aphorism is a short sentence that concisely and substantially expresses personal reflections and considerations, based on a long life experience and a careful observation of reality (from the Greek aphorizein, to delimit).
Since the classical era, it has been part of a family of short forms of the "gnomic" or moralizing mode: the proverb, the sentence, the maxim, the epigram. It differs from the closest forms, like the proverb, because it does not want to be expression of a general experience, and the sentence (or maxim), because it is more loose, witty, subjective.
Among his stylistic characteristics: the use of figures such as the antithesis, the paradox, the emphasis, the hyperbole. Often presents also a certain ambiguity and allusiveness; which means that the aphorism is presented to the reader not as a closed form in himself, but urging him to get involved, to contribute with his own reflection.
The aphorisms are sometimes collected by themes (as happens in the works of Kraus and Nietzsche), or without any order, like "fragments of thoughts" placed side by side. Already practiced in classical literature and in that European past (often have an aphoristic character, for example, the Ricordi by Guicciardini, the Essays by Montaigne, Pascal's Thoughts), aphorisms have become a mode of expression typical of those modern writers who
they privilege the subjective and intuitive experience of thought, they prefer penetration to the system, they reject values established and closed and the great philosophical constructions (F. Schlegel, A. Schopenauer, F. Nietzsche, S.Kierkegaard, P. Valéry, K. Kraus, R. Musil, W. Benjamin, TWAdorno).
critic, 8 first volume, LOESCHER EDITORE 1982, p. 434
The regimes of functioning of conceptual oppositions (see concept) are different in myth (see nature / culture and anthropos, masculine / feminine, chaos / cosmos, nature and mythos / logos), in philosophies (cf.being, identity / difference,
philosophy / philosophies) and in scientific thought (see abstract / concrete, quality / quantity knowledge, science),
and yesthey still diversify in relation to the historical configurations of knowledge. But, as a fundamental form of the categorical thinking (see categories / categorization and systematics and classification), conceptual oppositions they inform those configurations at the same time. Their classification, from symmetries (see symmetry) up to contradictions (cf. opposition / contradiction), must take into account this ambiguity which is constitutive of them;
it yes form on the one hand starting from the logic of negation and from the corresponding mediation figures (cf. dialectics),
on the other hand, by linking the oppositions to pairs of semantic intuitions underlying discourse and cognition (cf.
semantics), in particular: continuous / discrete, analog / digital, metaphor / metonymy, analysis / synthesis, integration and
differentiation, one / many.
The problematic nature of knowledge is associated with the modalities of its transmission: thus, the forms of knowledge can be arranged around the great oral / written opposition, in the light of which yes will describe the historical shift from word-based knowledge (perhaps delivered in a holy book: a
book that speaks) to knowledge that is socially mediated through writing (see also esoteric / exoteric). There modern knowledge is based on the production of a cumulative and systematic knowledge (see systematics and classification), universal and abstract (see in general abstract / concrete, analysis / synthesis) very different from that delivered in the ancient disciplines (see discipline / disciplines). Foretold by medieval and Renaissance research of a method modern knowledge has found its most proper figure in science, and its vehicle of transmission in school (see teaching). Science is both artificial (see natural / artificial, convention) and in the mode of production of its concepts (see concept), and in its procedures (see experiment, observation), and finally in its objects (cf. empiry / experience). Carried by an endless movement in view of the corroboration of his theories (see theory, verifiability / falsifiability), science has as its ideal objective knowledge
(see subject / object) and formalized (see formalization), however always linked to certain social practices (See theory / practice) Complementing it on a psychological level is a theory of cognition that sees learning as a process of socialization, with the passage from individual subjectivity to rationality shared (see reason, rational / irrational). On the philosophical level (see philosophy / philosophies), the comparison between the theories
Aristotelian and Cartesian error, the distinction between primary and secondary qualities, allow us to grasp simultaneously epistemological and psychological aspects, and science thus appears as a privileged tool to ensure communication between "normalized" subjects.
PARSONS T. describes three methods of social control:
aim to keep the deviant away from
- removal
limit the deviant's contact with others
but it does not completely segregate it from society
and allows him, after a certain time, to
return to accept the norms of society
- rehabilitation
process by which many deviants
they are helped to resume their role
in society (including psychotherapy)
to check
1) direct (physical) control: violence
2) organizational control: bureaucratic systems
3) control of results: economic competition
4) ideological control: manifestation of membership
5) love control: total identification or expression of trust
6) control for saturation: diffusion of a single text indefinitely repeated
7) control for deterrence: establishment of a filing system and a police apparatus which
any attempt to contest
Speaking of this third listening, Barthes wrote that there is no longer anyone who confides and confesses on one side, and on the other
who listens, is silent, sanctions, evaluates: everyone is listened to and listens at the same time. There
is contemporaneity the paradise of spies? Barthes speaks of "free listening", a listening that circulates e
exchanges, then disrupts with its mobility the rigid network of the ancient listening places: the prison, the confessional, the bedroom.
calm discussions are what I prefer because they are certainly more constructive.
You can think in the opposite way but discuss in a civil way, so you can always find a point of contact.
How can I avoid polemics for their own sake because they usually don't add anything.
"To exercise our humility and patience God uses people who hurt us. One day we will see how much there is those who crucify us are useful. "
Jacques Bénigne Bossuet
It's easy to say: "Here I am!" - We must also be there.
Stanisław Jerzy Lec, Unkempt Thought
Milan, June 5 2018
In the age of technology, 52% of Italians still do not use the Internet. And we're talking about something like 26.6 million Italians. If we then analyze the 31% that represents the real "technological avant-garde", we see a further one subdivision: compared to 14% of the population (something like 7.4 million Italians) that combines a use aware, interactive and evolved of technologies with a high propensity to consume cultural content
(they are the so-called Eclectics), we find a 17%, equal to 8.9 million Italians (the so-called Technofan) who use technologies mostly passively, as entertainment or to communicate. From the data emerging from the survey this gap is likely to increase in the future.
Industries of digital content & consumers ”commissioned by the Permanent Observatory on digital content, presented today at Rome. The research was carried out on a representative sample of the Italian population of 8,500 individuals with
more than 14 years for the quantitative part and on specific focus groups for five types of content users (from 13 to 50 years old) for the qualitative part. What emerged from it?
Are Italians a people with a low propensity for culture and technologically not very advanced? To guide users
towards an advanced and interactive use of new technologies (more culture = more conscious and advanced use of technologies) is not so much the availability or frequent use of new and trending technologies: the technology itself it constitutes a neutral instrument. What makes the difference is the habit of enjoying cultural consumption.
The greater the consumption of culture, the greater the propensity to use innovative technologies: they are the Eclectics, strong
readers, high purchasers of music and DVDs and consumers of cinema, the strongest users of the potential offered by the Web2.0.
Strong users of TV programs, on the other hand, tend to reduce technological consumption: more than the digital divide it is therefore more
it is correct to speak of cultural divide. There are not even major differences between North and South, it matters a lot instead more if you live in a big city or in a small town.
What about the future? Advanced use of technologies and strong cultural consumption are closely linked: it emerges from the survey
clearly, however, that - and this is the most worrying sign - even the most technologically advanced parents, fail to transmit the passion for culture to their children, who, consequently, will increasingly use technologies as pure gadgets. Even the children of Eclectic parents, that is linked to technologies and culture, are migrating to the Technofan group, certainly emancipated in terms of technology, but not equipped with tools cultural activities that allow them to control and manage it.
Are girls more familiar with technologies? A positive sign comes from the youngest: not only 14- 24-year-olds use the Internet as much as their male colleagues but weekly use of forums and blogs sees an impact higher among young women (14-24 years) than their male peers (43% vs 35% among 14-19 year olds and 28% vs 19% among 20-24 year olds, internet user base), probably due to the greater need for comparison and sharing. TO from the age of 25, on the other hand, males are the main users. On the contrary, the use of file sharing systems
it is a "masculine fact" in all age groups.
The most used platforms: (at least once a week) PC with DVD (39%) and mobile phone with MP3 / video / camera (33%), followed by DVD player (26%). MP3 / i-Pod player and LCD / Plasma TV follow with 15%. Instant messaging systems (Messenger, Skype) and forums / blogs are the most Internet services frequently used: 27% and 22% of users use it at least once a week respectively Internet.
Online content purchases: an emerging phenomenon. Buying CDs, DVDs and books still happens massively offline. Online is still a limited phenomenon that currently affects about 10% of Internet heavy users, those who connect from home every day or almost (and 3% if reported to the Italian population in his complex). The role of the internet is still only emerging with the partial exception of P2P for music (15% of population) and videos (11% of the population) ok. Free music downloads account for 8% of the population.
“The survey clearly shows that the conscious and advanced use of technologies largely depends
from the cultural tools that users are equipped with - underlined the president of the Digital Publishing Group of AIE, Fernando Folini - Only by creating conditions for their development will it be possible to exploit and develop them in the best possible way
opportunities that innovations will gradually present. This is why AIE, AIDRO, FIMI, UNIVIDEO and CINECITTÁ HOLDINGS have chosen to create a permanent observatory. From these data we start again, not only for bring culture and cultural content digitally closer to young and old, but also to understand how raise awareness among Italians on sensitive issues that are indispensable for us, such as the protection of copyright ".
enemy communication
Always defame your enemy. You will see that something remains in people's memory.
Francis Bacon
communication words
love words with the taste that the musician has for sounds and timbres, the painter for colors and mixtures, the sculptor for shapes and the skin of matter.
The aphorism is a short sentence that concisely and substantially expresses personal reflections and considerations, based on a long life experience and a careful observation of reality (from the Greek aphorizein, to delimit).
Since the classical era, it has been part of a family of short forms of the "gnomic" or moralizing mode: the proverb, the sentence, the maxim, the epigram. It differs from the closest forms, like the proverb, because it does not want to be expression of a general experience, and the sentence (or maxim), because it is more loose, witty, subjective.
Among his stylistic characteristics: the use of figures such as the antithesis, the paradox, the emphasis, the hyperbole. Often presents also a certain ambiguity and allusiveness; which means that the aphorism is presented to the reader not as a closed form in himself, but urging him to get involved, to contribute with his own reflection.
The aphorisms are sometimes collected by themes (as happens in the works of Kraus and Nietzsche), or without any order, like "fragments of thoughts" placed side by side. Already practiced in classical literature and in that European past (often have an aphoristic character, for example, the Ricordi by Guicciardini, the Essays by Montaigne, Pascal's Thoughts), aphorisms have become a mode of expression typical of those modern writers who
they privilege the subjective and intuitive experience of thought, they prefer penetration to the system, they reject values established and closed and the great philosophical constructions (F. Schlegel, A. Schopenauer, F. Nietzsche, S.Kierkegaard, P. Valéry, K. Kraus, R. Musil, W. Benjamin, TWAdorno).
by REMO CESERANI - LIDIA DE FEDERICIS, The material and the imaginary. Text analysis and work laboratory
critic, 8 first volume, LOESCHER EDITORE 1982, p. 434
Silly words, deaf ears.
Sardinian proverb remembered by Beppe Pisanu
The regimes of functioning of conceptual oppositions (see concept) are different in myth (see nature / culture and anthropos, masculine / feminine, chaos / cosmos, nature and mythos / logos), in philosophies (cf.being, identity / difference,
philosophy / philosophies) and in scientific thought (see abstract / concrete, quality / quantity knowledge, science),
and yesthey still diversify in relation to the historical configurations of knowledge. But, as a fundamental form of the categorical thinking (see categories / categorization and systematics and classification), conceptual oppositions they inform those configurations at the same time. Their classification, from symmetries (see symmetry) up to contradictions (cf. opposition / contradiction), must take into account this ambiguity which is constitutive of them;
it yes form on the one hand starting from the logic of negation and from the corresponding mediation figures (cf. dialectics),
on the other hand, by linking the oppositions to pairs of semantic intuitions underlying discourse and cognition (cf.
semantics), in particular: continuous / discrete, analog / digital, metaphor / metonymy, analysis / synthesis, integration and
differentiation, one / many.
[Summary of the entry Philosophical Couples, edited by Fernando Gil, Encyclopedia 3, pp.1050-1095]
Volume 3 of the Einaudi Encyclopedia, pp. 778-805
The problematic nature of knowledge is associated with the modalities of its transmission: thus, the forms of knowledge can be arranged around the great oral / written opposition, in the light of which yes will describe the historical shift from word-based knowledge (perhaps delivered in a holy book: a
book that speaks) to knowledge that is socially mediated through writing (see also esoteric / exoteric). There modern knowledge is based on the production of a cumulative and systematic knowledge (see systematics and classification), universal and abstract (see in general abstract / concrete, analysis / synthesis) very different from that delivered in the ancient disciplines (see discipline / disciplines). Foretold by medieval and Renaissance research of a method modern knowledge has found its most proper figure in science, and its vehicle of transmission in school (see teaching). Science is both artificial (see natural / artificial, convention) and in the mode of production of its concepts (see concept), and in its procedures (see experiment, observation), and finally in its objects (cf. empiry / experience). Carried by an endless movement in view of the corroboration of his theories (see theory, verifiability / falsifiability), science has as its ideal objective knowledge
(see subject / object) and formalized (see formalization), however always linked to certain social practices (See theory / practice) Complementing it on a psychological level is a theory of cognition that sees learning as a process of socialization, with the passage from individual subjectivity to rationality shared (see reason, rational / irrational). On the philosophical level (see philosophy / philosophies), the comparison between the theories
Aristotelian and Cartesian error, the distinction between primary and secondary qualities, allow us to grasp simultaneously epistemological and psychological aspects, and science thus appears as a privileged tool to ensure communication between "normalized" subjects.
to check
PARSONS T. describes three methods of social control:
aim to keep the deviant away from
- removal
limit the deviant's contact with others
but it does not completely segregate it from society
and allows him, after a certain time, to
return to accept the norms of society
- rehabilitation
process by which many deviants
they are helped to resume their role
in society (including psychotherapy)
to check
The ways of social control.
1) direct (physical) control: violence
2) organizational control: bureaucratic systems
3) control of results: economic competition
4) ideological control: manifestation of membership
5) love control: total identification or expression of trust
6) control for saturation: diffusion of a single text indefinitely repeated
7) control for deterrence: establishment of a filing system and a police apparatus which
any attempt to contest
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