ec7fa8a17afb4ed09668ca3cba134dcd 𝐴 𝐷𝐸𝐢𝑂𝑅𝐴𝑇𝐸𝐷 π·π‘‚π‘πΎπΈπ‘Œ 𝐼𝑆 𝑁𝑂𝑁𝐸 𝑂𝐹 π‘Œπ‘‚π‘ˆπ‘… π΅π‘ˆπ‘†πΌπ‘πΈπ‘†π‘†. 𝐿𝐸𝑇 𝑃𝐸𝑂𝑃𝐿𝐸 𝐿𝐼𝑉𝐸!!!!

A decorated donkey is NONE of your business. Let people live !!!!RELATIONS  RELATIONS   You can spit on yourself without opening your mouth.     by StanisΕ‚aw Jerzy Lec, Disheveled thoughts   DEFEAT     Now that I can invade your side of the bed  I discover the small space here  between the bedside table and the wall, of which  I didn't know - there you did     an installation similar to a survival kit  pens, glasses, files, novels, magazines  tubes of mild medicaments and ointments  a box decorated with nothing inside.     I lift that nothing and stare at it.  Nothing has ever seemed so splendid to me.  Afraid of leaving a smear and ruining it  I immediately put it back in and closed the lid.                                                                                                               Jamie Mckendrick  RELATIONS  "Anything that irritates us about others can lead us to understand ourselves."     Carl Gustav Jung  DISTURBING RELATIONS  He brushed his teeth as if he couldn't do anything else.  He left his toothpick by the side of the plate to go back to teasing them as soon as he finished chewing. Hours and hours, top to bottom, right to left, left to right, front to back, back to front. By lifting the upper lip, like a rabbit, showing - one after the other - yellowish incisors; lowering the lower lip  up to the corroded gum; until it bled, just a little. I turned his toothpick into a bayonet, sticking it up to the knuckles.     Max Aub, Exemplary crimes, Sellerio publisher, 1981, p. 14-15  RELIGIONS  The Passion seems to belong to the cinematographic transpositions of every faith, like the sermons on tape or via the internet fundamentalists belong to each religious community. Marking the definitive affirmation of the era of globalization fundamentalist. After all, during the months of making the film in the CinecittΓ  factories, Gibson wanted that every day a mass was celebrated for those who were busy on the set. Not just any mass, but according to the rite Tridentine, from the Council of Trent, also known as the Mass of St. Pius V, officiated by two French priests: Jean Charles- Roux, of the Rosminian congregation and Michel Debourges of the Institute of Christ the King of Gricigliano, Florence, near to the positions of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, the traditionalist grouping founded by Monsignor Lefebvre. And what it is  the "figure" of the religious sentiment in which the actor and director was brought up is quite evident. His father, Hutton Gibson, has long been linked to Catholic traditionalists, but, as one of the spokesmen of the Fraternity explained, Abbot Alain Lorans has chosen in recent years to separate from them, judging them "too liberal and too modern".  Hutton Gibson then approached the so-called "sedevacantists", that fringe of ultra-Catholicism that does not recognizes the post-conciliar Popes. With the proceeds from his blockbusters, Mel Gibson built a own expense in Malibu, California, a church for these very special members. But Hutton Gibson, 85, he seems to have very clear ideas on other topics as well. A few days after The Passion was released in the United States, wanting to respond in his own way to the accusation of anti-Semitism made against the film by various organizations and personalities of the Jewish community, he saw fit to explain how for him "the Holocaust is an invention".     But that The Passion represents something more than the poisoned fruit of a far-right culture is equally true evident. As Henri Tincq explained in Le Monde, "Gibson's film reveals the frontier that separates the two sides current of Christianity. On the one hand, a Christian faith that rests on reason, an intellectualized faith by centuries of scholasticism, from the critical approach of the texts admitted by the Lutheran tradition as by the Second Vatican Council.  On the other hand, a Christianity founded on emotion, on magic-religious realism, on "evangelical" fundamentalism and on a morbid piety ». "It is this second current - concludes the religion specialist of the Parisian newspaper - which today has the wind in its sails - in the United States as in the poor megacities of the Third World - and which, through success of Gibson's film shows its capacity for expansion ».      RELIGIONS Buddhism  Spiritual discipline founded by Buddha, who lived in north-east India. between 6th and 5th sec. BC In the following centuries the assumed the characteristics of philosophical doctrine and atheistic religion, spreading throughout most of the subcontinent and in large areas of East Asia. The it appears as a speculative research aimed at finding the solution of the problem of the eternal dying and rebirth of man, in the cycle of existences, posed by Indian thought. The Buddha said of the little one vehicle (HΔ«nayāna), essentially monastic in character and closer to the doctrine of the early times, is still popular today in Ceylon and Southeast Asia. The B. of the great vehicle (Mahāyāna), which gives great importance to compassion and bodhisattva worship, is the most widespread.  /VOL01/UNIVERSAL_ENCYCLOPEDIA_3_VOLUMI_VOL1_008304.xml  RELIGIONS CULTURES ISLAM  Bernard Lewis, a Princeton Arabist who played such a part in this concept of Islam chosen by Bush he thinks that “a new movement in Islam has emerged thanks to a political and economic combination. It is a danger reminiscent of Nazism. Germany had made a great contribution to civilization and Nazism was a monstrosity German. Today we see a similar perversion in Islam. It is a threat to the whole world ”. Although the contribution active of the West is somewhat limited (“true changes can only be achieved by Muslims "), the great scholar warns:" We have only one choice: let us free them or they will destroy us ".  RELIGIONS GOD  Of him after Auschwitz  Two things sometimes  I imagine him  that exists  and sleep  out of time  while we  we invoke him  from inside           Alberto Vigevani  RELIGIONS DISENCHANT MAX WEBER  However the elections end, the affirmation of the two leaders has already a great psychological significance compared to some commonplaces very widespread in the interpretations circulating about our time. A century ago, the 900 seemed to usher in the era of "disenchantment" (as sociologist Max Weber called it), that of the end of beliefs religious (already announced in Friedrich Nietzsche's theory of the "death of God") and of man's retreat in the universe of things, bodies and money. In short, from a materialist point of view.  As we can see, it did not go like this: a century later, in the largest and most powerful Western country, the candidates for the presidency discuss precisely which of them is more reliable as sent "on a mission on behalf of God", such as the hugely popular Blues Brothers said of themselves. On the other hand, this is accompanied by a renewed passion for themes of religious affiliation all over the world, a way of feeling that has already strongly contributed to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, in the 1990s      RELIGIONS LAITY  When men talk without understanding each other and think they are saying one thing using a word that indicates an opposite, misunderstandings arise, sometimes dramatic to the point of violence. In the painful own goal in which the uproar against was resolved the Pope's invitation to the University of Rome the most tacky element was, for the umpteenth time, the incorrect, distorted use and overturned the term "layman", which can justify yet another [...] attempt to clarify its meaning.     Secular does not mean at all, as is ignorantly repeated, the opposite of believer (or Catholic) and does not indicate itself, neither a believer nor an atheist nor an agnostic. Secularism is not a philosophical content, but a mindset; is essentially the ability to distinguish what is rationally demonstrable from what is instead the object of faith, a regardless of adherence to this faith or not; to distinguish the spheres and areas of the different competences, first of all place those of the Church and those of the State.     Secularism is not identified with any creed, with any philosophy or ideology, but is the attitude to articulate one's own thought (atheist, religious, idealist, Marxist) according to logical principles that cannot be conditioned, in consistency of their proceeding, from no faith, from no pathos of the heart, because in this case one falls into a mess, always obscurantist. Culture - even Catholic - if such is always secular, as well as logic.  Thomas or an atheist thinker - he cannot fail to rely on criteria of rationality and the demonstration of a the theorem, even if made by a Saint of the Church, must obey the laws of mathematics and not the catechism.     A religious vision can move the soul to create a more just society, but the layman knows that it certainly cannot immediately translate into articles of law, as the aberrant fundamentalists of all kinds want. Secular is who he knows the relationship but above all the difference between the fifth commandment, which orders not to kill, and the article of the criminal code that punishes murder. Lay - Norberto Bobbio said, perhaps the greatest of the laity.  Italians - are those who are passionate about their "warm values" (love, friendship, poetry, faith, generous political project) but defends the "cold values" (the law, democracy, the rules of the political game) which alone allow everyone to cultivate own warm values. Another great layman was Arturo Carlo Jemolo, master of law and freedom, fervent Catholic and very religious, a staunch defender of the distinction between church and state and a tough opponent of the unacceptable public funding for private schools - Catholic, Jewish, Islamic or tomorrow maybe racist if some parents they will pretend to educate their children in this delusional creed.     Secularism means tolerance, doubt also addressed to one's own certainties, the ability to strongly believe in certain values knowing that there are others, also respectable; not to confuse thought and authentic feeling with fanatical conviction and with visceral emotional reactions; to laugh and smile even at what you love and continue to love; to be free from idolatry and desecration, both servile and forced. Intolerant fundamentalism can be clerical (as it has been so many times, even with ferocious violence, over the centuries and continues sometimes, even if more mildly, to be so) or partisanally secular, equally anti-secular.     [Article published in Corriere della Sera of 20 January 2008.]  RELIGIONS BIRTH  ... they found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manger.     That's all. This ten-word nativity scene is by the evangelist Luke who not even saw it, just as his did not master Paolo di Tarso: only those nocturnal shepherds pulverized into thin air. Three names, one tool. Let's do it too us so small and true the crib.  Let's read and reread these ten words - how to bend over a diamond up to cloud it with your breath. They are all our Christmas: a doctor from Antioch wrote them, without his pen he trembled with the temptation to say more.   Do you want to leave too ?,  in Luigi Santucci,  Mondadori, 1969, p. 33

A decorated donkey is NONE of your business. Let people live !!!!RELATIONS  RELATIONS   You can spit on yourself without opening your mouth.     by StanisΕ‚aw Jerzy Lec, Disheveled thoughts   DEFEAT     Now that I can invade your side of the bed  I discover the small space here  between the bedside table and the wall, of which  I didn't know - there you did     an installation similar to a survival kit  pens, glasses, files, novels, magazines  tubes of mild medicaments and ointments  a box decorated with nothing inside.     I lift that nothing and stare at it.  Nothing has ever seemed so splendid to me.  Afraid of leaving a smear and ruining it  I immediately put it back in and closed the lid.                                                                                                               Jamie Mckendrick  RELATIONS  "Anything that irritates us about others can lead us to understand ourselves."     Carl Gustav Jung  DISTURBING RELATIONS  He brushed his teeth as if he couldn't do anything else.  He left his toothpick by the side of the plate to go back to teasing them as soon as he finished chewing. Hours and hours, top to bottom, right to left, left to right, front to back, back to front. By lifting the upper lip, like a rabbit, showing - one after the other - yellowish incisors; lowering the lower lip  up to the corroded gum; until it bled, just a little. I turned his toothpick into a bayonet, sticking it up to the knuckles.     Max Aub, Exemplary crimes, Sellerio publisher, 1981, p. 14-15  RELIGIONS  The Passion seems to belong to the cinematographic transpositions of every faith, like the sermons on tape or via the internet fundamentalists belong to each religious community. Marking the definitive affirmation of the era of globalization fundamentalist. After all, during the months of making the film in the CinecittΓ  factories, Gibson wanted that every day a mass was celebrated for those who were busy on the set. Not just any mass, but according to the rite Tridentine, from the Council of Trent, also known as the Mass of St. Pius V, officiated by two French priests: Jean Charles- Roux, of the Rosminian congregation and Michel Debourges of the Institute of Christ the King of Gricigliano, Florence, near to the positions of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, the traditionalist grouping founded by Monsignor Lefebvre. And what it is  the "figure" of the religious sentiment in which the actor and director was brought up is quite evident. His father, Hutton Gibson, has long been linked to Catholic traditionalists, but, as one of the spokesmen of the Fraternity explained, Abbot Alain Lorans has chosen in recent years to separate from them, judging them "too liberal and too modern".  Hutton Gibson then approached the so-called "sedevacantists", that fringe of ultra-Catholicism that does not recognizes the post-conciliar Popes. With the proceeds from his blockbusters, Mel Gibson built a own expense in Malibu, California, a church for these very special members. But Hutton Gibson, 85, he seems to have very clear ideas on other topics as well. A few days after The Passion was released in the United States, wanting to respond in his own way to the accusation of anti-Semitism made against the film by various organizations and personalities of the Jewish community, he saw fit to explain how for him "the Holocaust is an invention".     But that The Passion represents something more than the poisoned fruit of a far-right culture is equally true evident. As Henri Tincq explained in Le Monde, "Gibson's film reveals the frontier that separates the two sides current of Christianity. On the one hand, a Christian faith that rests on reason, an intellectualized faith by centuries of scholasticism, from the critical approach of the texts admitted by the Lutheran tradition as by the Second Vatican Council.  On the other hand, a Christianity founded on emotion, on magic-religious realism, on "evangelical" fundamentalism and on a morbid piety ». "It is this second current - concludes the religion specialist of the Parisian newspaper - which today has the wind in its sails - in the United States as in the poor megacities of the Third World - and which, through success of Gibson's film shows its capacity for expansion ».      RELIGIONS Buddhism  Spiritual discipline founded by Buddha, who lived in north-east India. between 6th and 5th sec. BC In the following centuries the assumed the characteristics of philosophical doctrine and atheistic religion, spreading throughout most of the subcontinent and in large areas of East Asia. The it appears as a speculative research aimed at finding the solution of the problem of the eternal dying and rebirth of man, in the cycle of existences, posed by Indian thought. The Buddha said of the little one vehicle (HΔ«nayāna), essentially monastic in character and closer to the doctrine of the early times, is still popular today in Ceylon and Southeast Asia. The B. of the great vehicle (Mahāyāna), which gives great importance to compassion and bodhisattva worship, is the most widespread.  /VOL01/UNIVERSAL_ENCYCLOPEDIA_3_VOLUMI_VOL1_008304.xml  RELIGIONS CULTURES ISLAM  Bernard Lewis, a Princeton Arabist who played such a part in this concept of Islam chosen by Bush he thinks that “a new movement in Islam has emerged thanks to a political and economic combination. It is a danger reminiscent of Nazism. Germany had made a great contribution to civilization and Nazism was a monstrosity German. Today we see a similar perversion in Islam. It is a threat to the whole world ”. Although the contribution active of the West is somewhat limited (“true changes can only be achieved by Muslims "), the great scholar warns:" We have only one choice: let us free them or they will destroy us ".  RELIGIONS GOD  Of him after Auschwitz  Two things sometimes  I imagine him  that exists  and sleep  out of time  while we  we invoke him  from inside           Alberto Vigevani  RELIGIONS DISENCHANT MAX WEBER  However the elections end, the affirmation of the two leaders has already a great psychological significance compared to some commonplaces very widespread in the interpretations circulating about our time. A century ago, the 900 seemed to usher in the era of "disenchantment" (as sociologist Max Weber called it), that of the end of beliefs religious (already announced in Friedrich Nietzsche's theory of the "death of God") and of man's retreat in the universe of things, bodies and money. In short, from a materialist point of view.  As we can see, it did not go like this: a century later, in the largest and most powerful Western country, the candidates for the presidency discuss precisely which of them is more reliable as sent "on a mission on behalf of God", such as the hugely popular Blues Brothers said of themselves. On the other hand, this is accompanied by a renewed passion for themes of religious affiliation all over the world, a way of feeling that has already strongly contributed to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, in the 1990s      RELIGIONS LAITY  When men talk without understanding each other and think they are saying one thing using a word that indicates an opposite, misunderstandings arise, sometimes dramatic to the point of violence. In the painful own goal in which the uproar against was resolved the Pope's invitation to the University of Rome the most tacky element was, for the umpteenth time, the incorrect, distorted use and overturned the term "layman", which can justify yet another [...] attempt to clarify its meaning.     Secular does not mean at all, as is ignorantly repeated, the opposite of believer (or Catholic) and does not indicate itself, neither a believer nor an atheist nor an agnostic. Secularism is not a philosophical content, but a mindset; is essentially the ability to distinguish what is rationally demonstrable from what is instead the object of faith, a regardless of adherence to this faith or not; to distinguish the spheres and areas of the different competences, first of all place those of the Church and those of the State.     Secularism is not identified with any creed, with any philosophy or ideology, but is the attitude to articulate one's own thought (atheist, religious, idealist, Marxist) according to logical principles that cannot be conditioned, in consistency of their proceeding, from no faith, from no pathos of the heart, because in this case one falls into a mess, always obscurantist. Culture - even Catholic - if such is always secular, as well as logic.  Thomas or an atheist thinker - he cannot fail to rely on criteria of rationality and the demonstration of a the theorem, even if made by a Saint of the Church, must obey the laws of mathematics and not the catechism.     A religious vision can move the soul to create a more just society, but the layman knows that it certainly cannot immediately translate into articles of law, as the aberrant fundamentalists of all kinds want. Secular is who he knows the relationship but above all the difference between the fifth commandment, which orders not to kill, and the article of the criminal code that punishes murder. Lay - Norberto Bobbio said, perhaps the greatest of the laity.  Italians - are those who are passionate about their "warm values" (love, friendship, poetry, faith, generous political project) but defends the "cold values" (the law, democracy, the rules of the political game) which alone allow everyone to cultivate own warm values. Another great layman was Arturo Carlo Jemolo, master of law and freedom, fervent Catholic and very religious, a staunch defender of the distinction between church and state and a tough opponent of the unacceptable public funding for private schools - Catholic, Jewish, Islamic or tomorrow maybe racist if some parents they will pretend to educate their children in this delusional creed.     Secularism means tolerance, doubt also addressed to one's own certainties, the ability to strongly believe in certain values knowing that there are others, also respectable; not to confuse thought and authentic feeling with fanatical conviction and with visceral emotional reactions; to laugh and smile even at what you love and continue to love; to be free from idolatry and desecration, both servile and forced. Intolerant fundamentalism can be clerical (as it has been so many times, even with ferocious violence, over the centuries and continues sometimes, even if more mildly, to be so) or partisanally secular, equally anti-secular.     [Article published in Corriere della Sera of 20 January 2008.]  RELIGIONS BIRTH  ... they found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manger.     That's all. This ten-word nativity scene is by the evangelist Luke who not even saw it, just as his did not master Paolo di Tarso: only those nocturnal shepherds pulverized into thin air. Three names, one tool. Let's do it too us so small and true the crib.  Let's read and reread these ten words - how to bend over a diamond up to cloud it with your breath. They are all our Christmas: a doctor from Antioch wrote them, without his pen he trembled with the temptation to say more.   Do you want to leave too ?,  in Luigi Santucci,  Mondadori, 1969, p. 33

A decorated donkey is NONE of your business. Let people live !!!!RELATIONS


You can spit on yourself without opening your mouth.


by StanisΕ‚aw Jerzy Lec, Disheveled thoughts



Now that I can invade your side of the bed

I discover the small space here

between the bedside table and the wall, of which

I didn't know - there you did


an installation similar to a survival kit

pens, glasses, files, novels, magazines

tubes of mild medicaments and ointments

a box decorated with nothing inside.


I lift that nothing and stare at it.

Nothing has ever seemed so splendid to me.

Afraid of leaving a smear and ruining it

I immediately put it back in and closed the lid.



                                                     Jamie Mckendrick


"Anything that irritates us about others can lead us to understand ourselves."


Carl Gustav Jung


He brushed his teeth as if he couldn't do anything else.

He left his toothpick by the side of the plate to go back to teasing them as soon as he finished chewing. Hours and hours, top to bottom, right to left, left to right, front to back, back to front. By lifting the upper lip, like a rabbit, showing - one after the other - yellowish incisors; lowering the lower lip 
up to the corroded gum; until it bled, just a little. I turned his toothpick into a bayonet, sticking it up to the knuckles.


Max Aub, Exemplary crimes, Sellerio publisher, 1981, p. 14-15


The Passion seems to belong to the cinematographic transpositions of every faith, like the sermons on tape or via the internet fundamentalists belong to each religious community. Marking the definitive affirmation of the era of globalization fundamentalist. After all, during the months of making the film in the CinecittΓ  factories, Gibson wanted that every day a mass was celebrated for those who were busy on the set. Not just any mass, but according to the rite Tridentine, from the Council of Trent, also known as the Mass of St. Pius V, officiated by two French priests: Jean Charles- Roux, of the Rosminian congregation and Michel Debourges of the Institute of Christ the King of Gricigliano, Florence, near to the positions of the Fraternity of Saint Pius X, the traditionalist grouping founded by Monsignor Lefebvre. And what it is
 the "figure" of the religious sentiment in which the actor and director was brought up is quite evident. His father, Hutton Gibson, has long been linked to Catholic traditionalists, but, as one of the spokesmen of the Fraternity explained,
Abbot Alain Lorans has chosen in recent years to separate from them, judging them "too liberal and too modern".

Hutton Gibson then approached the so-called "sedevacantists", that fringe of ultra-Catholicism that does not recognizes the post-conciliar Popes. With the proceeds from his blockbusters, Mel Gibson built a own expense in Malibu, California, a church for these very special members. But Hutton Gibson, 85,
he seems to have very clear ideas on other topics as well. A few days after The Passion was released in the United States, wanting to respond in his own way to the accusation of anti-Semitism made against the film by various organizations and personalities
of the Jewish community, he saw fit to explain how for him "the Holocaust is an invention".


But that The Passion represents something more than the poisoned fruit of a far-right culture is equally true evident. As Henri Tincq explained in Le Monde, "Gibson's film reveals the frontier that separates the two sides current of Christianity. On the one hand, a Christian faith that rests on reason, an intellectualized faith by centuries of scholasticism, from the critical approach of the texts admitted by the Lutheran tradition as by the Second Vatican Council.

On the other hand, a Christianity founded on emotion, on magic-religious realism, on "evangelical" fundamentalism and on a morbid piety ». "It is this second current - concludes the religion specialist of the Parisian newspaper - which today has the wind in its sails - in the United States as in the poor megacities of the Third World - and which, through
success of Gibson's film shows its capacity for expansion ».



Spiritual discipline founded by Buddha, who lived in north-east India. between 6th and 5th sec. BC In the following centuries the assumed the characteristics of philosophical doctrine and atheistic religion, spreading throughout most of the subcontinent and in large areas of East Asia. The it appears as a speculative research aimed at finding the solution of the problem of the eternal dying and rebirth of man, in the cycle of existences, posed by Indian thought. The Buddha said of the little one vehicle (HΔ«nayāna), essentially monastic in character and closer to the doctrine of the early times, is still popular today in Ceylon and Southeast Asia. The B. of the great vehicle (Mahāyāna), which gives great importance to compassion and bodhisattva worship, is the most widespread.



Bernard Lewis, a Princeton Arabist who played such a part in this concept of Islam chosen by Bush
he thinks that “a new movement in Islam has emerged thanks to a political and economic combination. It is a danger reminiscent of Nazism. Germany had made a great contribution to civilization and Nazism was a monstrosity
German. Today we see a similar perversion in Islam. It is a threat to the whole world ”. Although the contribution active of the West is somewhat limited (“true changes can only be achieved by Muslims "), the great scholar warns:" We have only one choice: let us free them or they will destroy us ".


Of him after Auschwitz

Two things sometimes

I imagine him

that exists

and sleep

out of time

while we

we invoke him

from inside




Alberto Vigevani


However the elections end, the affirmation of the two leaders has already a great psychological significance compared to some commonplaces very widespread in the interpretations circulating about our time. A century ago, the 900 seemed to usher in the era of "disenchantment" (as sociologist Max Weber called it), that of the end of beliefs religious (already announced in Friedrich Nietzsche's theory of the "death of God") and of man's retreat
in the universe of things, bodies and money. In short, from a materialist point of view.

As we can see, it did not go like this: a century later, in the largest and most powerful Western country, the candidates for the presidency discuss precisely which of them is more reliable as sent "on a mission on behalf of God", such as the hugely popular Blues Brothers said of themselves. On the other hand, this is accompanied by a renewed passion for themes
of religious affiliation all over the world, a way of feeling that has already strongly contributed to the dissolution of the Soviet Union, in the 1990s



When men talk without understanding each other and think they are saying one thing using a word that indicates an opposite, misunderstandings arise, sometimes dramatic to the point of violence. In the painful own goal in which the uproar against was resolved the Pope's invitation to the University of Rome the most tacky element was, for the umpteenth time, the incorrect, distorted use
and overturned the term "layman", which can justify yet another [...] attempt to clarify its meaning.


Secular does not mean at all, as is ignorantly repeated, the opposite of believer (or Catholic) and does not indicate itself, neither a believer nor an atheist nor an agnostic. Secularism is not a philosophical content, but a mindset; is
essentially the ability to distinguish what is rationally demonstrable from what is instead the object of faith, a regardless of adherence to this faith or not; to distinguish the spheres and areas of the different competences, first of all
place those of the Church and those of the State.


Secularism is not identified with any creed, with any philosophy or ideology, but is the attitude to articulate one's own thought (atheist, religious, idealist, Marxist) according to logical principles that cannot be conditioned, in consistency of their proceeding, from no faith, from no pathos of the heart, because in this case one falls into a mess, always obscurantist. Culture - even Catholic - if such is always secular, as well as logic.

Thomas or an atheist thinker - he cannot fail to rely on criteria of rationality and the demonstration of a
the theorem, even if made by a Saint of the Church, must obey the laws of mathematics and not the catechism.


A religious vision can move the soul to create a more just society, but the layman knows that it certainly cannot immediately translate into articles of law, as the aberrant fundamentalists of all kinds want. Secular is who he knows the relationship but above all the difference between the fifth commandment, which orders not to kill, and
the article of the criminal code that punishes murder. Lay - Norberto Bobbio said, perhaps the greatest of the laity.

Italians - are those who are passionate about their "warm values" (love, friendship, poetry, faith, generous political project) but defends the "cold values" (the law, democracy, the rules of the political game) which alone allow everyone to cultivate
own warm values. Another great layman was Arturo Carlo Jemolo, master of law and freedom, fervent Catholic and very religious, a staunch defender of the distinction between church and state and a tough opponent of the unacceptable public funding for private schools - Catholic, Jewish, Islamic or tomorrow maybe racist if some parents
they will pretend to educate their children in this delusional creed.


Secularism means tolerance, doubt also addressed to one's own certainties, the ability to strongly believe in certain values knowing that there are others, also respectable; not to confuse thought and authentic feeling with fanatical conviction and with visceral emotional reactions; to laugh and smile even at what you love and continue to love; to be free from idolatry and desecration, both servile and forced. Intolerant fundamentalism can be clerical (as it has been so many times, even with ferocious violence, over the centuries and continues sometimes, even if more mildly, to be so) or partisanally secular, equally anti-secular.


[Article published in Corriere della Sera of 20 January 2008.]


... they found Mary and Joseph and the baby lying in the manger.


That's all. This ten-word nativity scene is by the evangelist Luke who not even saw it, just as his did not master Paolo di Tarso: only those nocturnal shepherds pulverized into thin air. Three names, one tool. Let's do it too us so small and true the crib. Let's read and reread these ten words - how to bend over a diamond up to cloud it with your breath. They are all our Christmas: a doctor from Antioch wrote them, without his pen he trembled with the temptation to say more.

 Do you want to leave too ?,

in Luigi Santucci, Mondadori, 1969, p. 33

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