Major ideologies on Writing
Copying from another perpetrator is a crime of plagiarism. Copying from multiple authors is, however, a worthy work and is called "Research".
Traces An article by Aldo Romano in today's press retrieves a great concept and guiding principle of service work:
Major Policies Governing The World.
A decorated donkey is NONE of your business. Let people live !!!!RELATIONS
PHILOSOPHY SECULAR CONSCIENCE : Vito Mancuso, The soul and its destiny, Raffeallo Cortina
Poetry signals as an indicator of individualization, there is a desire to express themselves on the part of people :Haiku.
A must read Famous Illustration on WORDS BY Hydrangeas.
Words are stones they say, and then silences are seas.
Top thoughts given by various scholars, bookish, researchers, intellectuals, brainy, on death: A review.
Music: you taught us to see with the ear and to hear with the heart.
Top books reviews: Words of adolescence.
Victim crimes
The Necks: A Review
by Rob Nugent
8 pm, 19 February 2008. Venue: The Street Theater, ANU.
Reniassance Secularism, Humanism and Individualism
Paolo Conte, Beautiful by day, in Psyche, 2008
The radical nature of the gift: Freedom.
consolidating their perplexities
CULTURE :ethnic conflict
la conversation n'est féconde qu'entre esprits attachés à consolider leurs perplexités
So what do you write on blogs? DEATH BIOGRAPHY
Answer to all your real life, distrust, distrustfulness, dubiety, dubitation [archaic), incertitude, misdoubt, misgiving,
SAROYAN WILLIAM, THE HUMAN COMEDY,OVERSEAS EDITIONS, Inc New York, 1945.Life is an adventure with a beginning decided by others
Major Policies Governing The World.
It is a clash that marks an era, because it closes the first phase of Berlusconi's fifteen years of power
contrasted but balanced and opens another, which has the decisive imprint of a constitutional showdown, however arrive at what Max Weber calls the "institutionalization of the charism" and the breaking of republican balances:
with the threat of some kind of popular plebiscite to force the existing system, draw a Constitution on
measure of the Premier, and finally give birth to a new government, as the source and result of this conception technically Bonapartist, albeit in the Italian style.
A case of love and desperation between parents and daughter who tried to dissolve into legality after a torment of 17 years, was transformed yesterday by Silvio Berlusconi into an unprecedented institutional conflict between the government and the Quirinale, with the Head of State who did not sign the government's emergency decree on the Englaro case, after having in vain invited the Premier to reflect on its unconstitutionality, and with Berlusconi who contested the prerogatives of the President of the Republic, announcing the will to govern by decree law without the control of the Quirinale
The government will assume legislative power through decree laws, the only judge of which will be admissible, with the Chambers called to an automatic majority ratification and the Head of State forced to a blind signature of mechanics.
It is a Bonapartist project, with the Premier asking for full powers in the name of the emotional and charismatic bond with its own political community, it is the direct representative of the nation and claims the subordination of all power to the executive.
Yesterday's date opens a new phase in the life of the country, a Third Republic based on a new geography of power, a new constitutional legitimacy, a new concept of sovereignty, transferred from the people to the leader.
The Bonapartist turning point of EZIO MAURO
in La Repubblica 7 February 2009
Power, a new constitutional legitimacy, a new concept of sovereignty, transferred from the people to the leader
The Bonapartist turning point of EZIO MAURO
in La Repubblica 7 February 2009
The left is an evil that only the presence of the right makes bearable.
Just a few years ago, globalization was thought of as the possible forced westernization of the world.
Instead the world, more and more, is becoming multipolar: with its extraordinary opportunities for humanization and with the equally enormous risks to financial stability and social justice, to environmental balance and to peace.
The widening of the horizons of the world makes the four historical lines of our foreign policy even more relevant.
And it makes the principle that is the strength of every country even more evident and necessary: the absolute priority is the national interests, not partisan ones.
We can and must, if necessary, disagree between the majority and the opposition on this or that concrete choice. IS'
happened in the past and elsewhere, it may continue to happen. But a great country, a great democracy as we want to be, it is not such without a shared vision of the position of Italy in the world and of our common national interest.
The first pillar of our foreign policy is, continues to be, Italy's active participation in the process of political integration of Europe: the maximum possible Europe, not the minimum indispensable, Europe as answer to those who believe that globalization is ungovernable.
We do ours and ask other political forces to do the same, the appeal of President Napolitano, al which we send our warmest greetings from here, for an early parliamentary ratification of the Treaty of Lisbon.
In the next parliamentary term, our priorities in the European field will be a solid common security policy, one energy policy consistent with the strategy of reducing emissions and developing renewable sources,
a unitary representation on external markets, a research policy and European networks to be financed too by issuing euro-bonds.
The second pillar of our foreign policy is the Mediterranean, which after centuries of marginalization has today the extraordinary opportunity to present itself as the world political and economic hub of this century. A hub that connects Europe and North Africa, Caspian and Gulf area, in turn leads to Asia. A hub for goods and for energy, for migration and religious dialogue.
Being part and pivot of a strong “Euro-Mediterranean” circuit is for Italy the main condition for the relaunch of
Mezzogiorno, to finally reverse the perspective and make our South no longer the main problem but the most an important underutilized resource of the country.
The third pillar is the strengthening of friendship and collaboration, national and European, with the United States.
Friendship and collaboration obviously based on autonomy, and not on dependence. On the bond that history has with us delivered, and on the tasks that the present assigns us.
Contributing to the construction of a transatlantic common space is fundamental in the traditional field of politics foreign and defense. And it is decisive in the economic field, where cooperation is needed to strengthen the government of the globalization and market liberalization, and diminish the risk of increasing protectionism.
Europe and the United States together make everything easier and possible. The Atlantic partnership is the best basis for a new dialogue with the Arab and Islamic world. It is an opportunity for crisis governance, starting with that Israeli-Palestinian. It is the key to the full integration of the Western Balkans into the European system, and to a positive approach towards the new emerging powers and the risks of nuclear proliferation and rearmament.
The fourth pillar of a foreign policy that we hope to be shared by the widest range of parliamentary forces is the multilateralism, and in particular support for the United Nations, for its indispensable role, for its necessary self-reform.
After the success of the initiative on the moratorium on capital executions, Italy must continue to fight for protection of human rights and for the affirmation and respect of international law, through the Court of Justice and the Court of International Criminal.
And I still believe that we would be doing a disservice to our civilization, as well as to the future of humanity itself, if not assumed in a more stringent and binding way the fight against poverty and hunger and the achievement of others
Millennium Development Goals.
"We live in times in which men, driven by mediocre spirits or by ferocious ideologies, get used to being ashamed of everything. Shame of oneself, ashamed of being happy, of loving and of creating. [...] It is therefore necessary feeling guilty. Here we are dragged to the secular confessional, the worst of all. »Albert Camus, Actuelles.
Ecritspolitiques, 1948
we were not afraid to break the old political pattern.
Probably those who looked at us with the eyes of the past will have thought it was only tactics, they were just words.
If so, he has had time not only to change his mind, but also to develop the conviction that our choice of presenting ourselves to the Italians, alone with our ideas and our proposals, finally free, marks the end of an epoch it forces everyone to change.
It was enough to have had the courage to do it, and it is as if a voice had risen to say that "the king is naked".
Suddenly everyone saw what was evident: we went on for fifteen years with so much alliances as large as they are heterogeneous, fictitious, designed only to beat the opponent, indeed to destroy the enemy. Then, punctually, executives who could not carry out programs and govern. And just as punctually punished by
voters next time, since no government, in this long season of sketchy bipolarism, has been confirmed twice in a row.
Didn't we want to do it together? We unilaterally began to change Italian politics.
This is what the Democratic Party is doing. This is what is happening after we have decided: that's enough mediate, just mitigate, just delay or give up.
Today we are finally free to tell Italians what we think and want. And if we earn their trust we will finally be free to rule. Free to give the country the reformist turn it needs.
The radical nature of our choice has produced and is producing effects of an authentic earthquake in Italian political life.
That's what we thought would happen. It is what is right to happen.
We have chosen to close the national experience of coalitions whose programmatic heterogeneity is every day confirmed by the declarations, which I respect, of the friends of the left Arcobaleno, to whom I want to send a wish good luck with their choice of autonomy.
With this choice we have clearly defined our field and the field of government that will exist. It is the field
of the reformist center-left. Those who vote for us will have the certainty that reformism, free from constraints and vetoes, it will become the government of the country.
But the real earthquake is now in the center right.
Rushed towards the elections with the bottle of champagne in hand, now as a result of our initiative they see uncover their divisions and their lacerations. Unable to do what they had thought, and that is one coalition of 18 parties that after our choice would have appeared "Martian", were forced on the one hand to improvise a cartel that is not clear whether it is a party or an electoral list, and on the other hand to download allies.
But contrary to what we have done, who have concluded our experience with the radical left,
Forza Italia felt it had to conclude its experience with the moderate forces of the center, allying itself with AN and with the far-right movement led by Mrs. Mussolini.
Thus the Italian political landscape has changed. It is objectively, no one can deny, a shift to the right.
In the coming days, the political coordination will discuss and approve a programmatic document that will translate these principles in an organic proposal to the country.
Here I will limit myself to indicating twelve major objectives, twelve innovative proposals that can change Italy.
1. First: modernizing Italy means choosing infrastructure and environmental quality as a priority.
Let's start from here, with an extraordinary program that aims to make up for the serious delay that Italy has accumulated.
The country needs infrastructures and services which today are hampered more by inability to make decisions than by lack of financial resources.
Here is the novelty of our environmentalism of doing: yes to involvement, participation, consultation of
citizens in all phases of location, design and construction; but enough with the environmentalism that rides every protest movement of the Nimby type, "not in my garden", and prevents the necessary infrastructure from being built Country.
We will reform the environmental assessment legislation of the works, with the elimination of the three current steps and the concentration in a single authorization procedure, to be completed in three months. Once the decision is made, a ban on revocation or the application of high pecuniary sanctions with tax liability must be envisaged
charged to the public administrators concerned.
Priority must be given to plants to produce clean energy, to regasifiers essential to liberalize and
diversify the supply of methane, to waste-to-energy plants and other waste treatment plants, to
ordinary and extraordinary maintenance of the water network.
And then to rail transport. High Speed is the largest infrastructure investment underway in our country:
must be completed and fully utilized. The completion of the TAV will make a 50 percent increase in rail routes. We will use them to reduce traffic around big cities and for finally give commuters a decent service.
Providing the country with the necessary infrastructures is not only not in contradiction with the objective of protecting and enhance the environment, but it is the prerequisite. Likewise, technologies for the environment will be in the next twenty years what the communication sector has been in the previous twenty: the driving force of development and a broader economic and social change.
Producing 20 percent of energy with the sun and wind means saving billions of euros on imports of
Petroleum; improving energy efficiency means more competitiveness for businesses and savings for families.
And our proposal is a plan to achieve the transformation of the main sources of heating in ten years of buildings, private and public, in order to create at the same time a gigantic energy saving and a large
driving force of economic growth.
For years we have encouraged the scrapping of cars. Now we encourage the scrapping of oil.
2. The second major innovation objective is the South, it is its growth, which is the growth of Italy.
Most of the policies for the South are focused on the use of Community resources. The effectiveness of this
However, spending has often been disappointing, we have witnessed the dispersion of funds in a myriad of programs and yes, so important opportunities have been lacking to use resources in order to overcome the significant gaps in the South in infrastructures and collective services.
Therefore, a drastic and rapid revision of the programs must proceed, and an equally drastic one centralization of resources on a few quantifiable and controllable objectives.
The priority is to bring the infrastructure network by 2013, starting with the transport system - roads,
railways, ports, airports and motorways of the sea - on a quantitative and qualitative level comparable to Europe developed. And the same goes for essential services such as water and environmental services.
We think of Sicily, of its strategic location, of its being an almost natural landing place for commercial traffic
of the emerging economies of the area, which makes the island the European outpost in the Mediterranean. Why this circuit virtuous development Sicily needs an infrastructural network that allows it to truly become, with the others regions of our Mezzogiorno, the natural logistic platform for exchanging services, goods, people and cultures in a crucial area of the world.
3. The third major objective of innovation is the control of the dynamics of public spending. It is to increase it
productivity and finally make it that factor of development and equality that today is not yet.
In the five years of center-right rule, primary current expenditure has increased by two and a half points of GDP.
An enormity, which alone explains the failure of the economic policies of the House of liberties.
All over the world, the liberal right has as its slogan "less state more market".
Only in Italy did the center-right think it could govern by reducing taxes and increasing spending.
By the end of the five years of the Berlusconi government, the tax burden had been slightly reduced. Pity though that primary current expenditure, which the center-right had found in 2000 at 37.3 per cent of GDP, was left at 39.9 per cent in 2005: plus 2.6.
Between lower income and higher expenditure, 3.5 points of GDP to finance: this is the legacy that the Government has found Prodi.
It is therefore true that the improvement in public accounts, which led to Italy's exit from the procedure
infringement due to excessive deficit in which it had fallen in the five-year period 2001-2006, derives for the most part from a increase in the tax burden: moreover, partly substantial, the result of the success in the fight against tax evasion.
But it is no less true, that for the first time in ten years a government was managing to bring it under control
primary current expenditure, which went from 39.9 in 2005 to 39.3 in 2007.
The experience of these two years allows us to credibly tell Italian citizens that in the next one legislature, the decisive test for the government of the Democratic Party is to retrain and reduce spending public. Without reducing, rather by gradually increasing in relation to GDP, social spending.
Spend better, spend less.
Half a point of GDP of primary current expenditure in the first year, one point in the second and one point in the third: the achieving this result is an indispensable condition for honoring the other commitment we undertake with the taxpayers, families and businesses: return to them, with tax rate reductions and deductions, every Euro of revenue additional, deriving from the fight against tax evasion.
We will proceed with certain legislative innovations. But, above all, with high administration activities.
Greater control of public spending is possible, as the positive data from 2007. We need to continue with tenacity and rigor.
We will save on purchases of goods and services by resorting to large purchasing platforms.
We will increase the efficiency of public work, linking wages and wages to actual productivity than by truly evaluating executives based on achieving goals.
And speaking of evaluation, it is time to give citizens the real possibility to judge the services received, to provide indications for their improvement and to work to achieve it. It can't always go all over the head of people. This is a profound innovation, to put Italy on the same level as the great democracies modern.
And again, for this reason: simplify our baroque administrative system, reduce the overlap between offices, institutional levels, public bodies and bodies, to unify all the peripheral offices of the State in a single provincial office.
Even pending a more comprehensive institutional reform, which finally settles Title V of the Constitution,
we will begin immediately by abolishing the provinces in the large metropolitan municipalities, which will be given real powers in important areas such as mobility.
We will use the large state property in a productive way, with the agreement of the State and the Municipalities, in order to at the same time reduce the public debt by a few points, which will thus be able to fall below more rapidly of the threshold of 100 per cent of GDP.
We will thus free up resources of at least one point of GDP per year, currently used to pay interest on debt:
a budget entry that today eats almost half of the entire income tax.
In short: a strong and authoritative policy, a more serene institutional framework, a long-term but realistic work, they can allow us, in the space of a few years, to reduce the percentage of public spending on GDP and, above all, by improve the quality of spending.
4. Fourth objective, to do what has never been done and which is now possible to do: really reduce taxes
loyal taxpayers, who are many, employees and self-employed, and who pay really too much.
The fiscal consolidation achieved in the last two years, combined with this credible and concrete
expenditure reduction and requalification program and with the continuation of the fight against tax evasion, allows for the future, even for the immediate one, to plan a reduction in the tax burden.
To support the purchasing power of Italian families and address the wage issue.
To restore the fruits of the fight against tax evasion and avoidance to families and businesses.
To make the taxman more friendly to the development of people and the economy.
Pay less, pay everyone: this is the third major programmatic objective of the Democratic Party.
An objective that immediately translates into an increase in the personal income tax deduction in favor of employees. IS
therefore in an increase in wages and salaries.
The maneuver can be implemented in several stages, gradually growing over time, starting with low-medium incomes. And it can be used to bring the intervention for the restitution of the fiscal drag into full swing: every year, the deduction increases by neutralize the effect of the fiscal drain.
The deduction can also be used to experiment with forms of support for lower incomes, such as transfer in favor of workers who have such a low income that they cannot take advantage of the deductions mentioned
they would also be entitled.
Precisely because we have shown that we know how to fight tax evasion, together with spending control, we can be credible if we make a commitment, starting in 2009, to gradually reduce all rates
IRPEF: one point less per year, for three years.
Instead, we will immediately reduce the tax burden on the share of second-level bargaining wages: company,
group, district, territory.
Reducing taxes on productivity wages is the highway to foster growth and, at the same time, to
finally redistribute some of the benefits from increased productivity also in favor of workers.
To pay taxes, the very small commercial and artisan enterprises bear exorbitant costs of regular maintenance accounting. The ceiling of € 30,000 in turnover for lump sum payments must therefore be significantly raised of the various taxes and duties, also through a differentiation of the ceiling by sectors and sectors, from agree with all interested categories.
For example: higher, up to € 50,000, for those who produce goods, a little lower for those who produce services.
To artisans, merchants, small businesses in general, I want to say that we will simplify drastically
the application of sector studies for single-client companies and contractors, to the point of allowing them the total leakage from the use of this tool.
To pay taxes, the very small commercial and artisan enterprises bear exorbitant costs of regular maintenance accounting. The ceiling of € 30,000 in turnover for lump sum payments must therefore be significantly raised of the various taxes and duties, also through a differentiation of the ceiling by sectors and sectors, from agree with all interested categories.
For example: higher, up to € 50,000, for those who produce goods, a little lower for those who produce services.
To artisans, merchants, small businesses in general, I want to say that we will simplify drastically
the application of sector studies for single-client companies and contractors, to the point of allowing them the total leakage from the use of this tool.
The review of sector studies will apply to the current tax year and will never be retroactive.
We will repeal the rule that provides for the possibility of reiterating the investigations.
We will give greater importance to the territorial dimension in the definition of the indicators used in the studies.
We will enhance joint training between the Revenue Agency and trade associations.
5. The fifth major innovation goal is to invest more than ever before in women's work.
The Italian social model is today plagued by three serious diseases: low female employment rates, low birth rates and high rates of child poverty.
It is a vicious circle that blocks Italy's economic, demographic and “civil” growth. What a future can it be
have the South if a quarter of your children are born poor and live a deprived childhood? If its fifteen
they have a school background more similar to that of Thailand and Uruguay than that of France or France
Germany, and also from Trentino and Lombardy? What economic security can Italian families have if
their majority, especially among those with children, can count on almost one income earner inevitably the adult male?
This is why we want to transform the enormous inactive female human capital into an "ace" to play in the game development, competitiveness, social well-being.
We want to overturn the vicious circle into a virtuous circle. More women employed in fact means more growth, more births (as the experience of other European countries shows), economically safer and more dynamic families of fewer minors in poverty.
To encourage women's employment, we will introduce targeted tax incentives for women's work, including in order to favor the second family income, and tax incentives to promote, on the market, a sector of "advanced" services to families, which is both a sector of employment for women and a means of conciliation.
In particular, we are thinking of a refundable tax credit for working women, adequate to support the
care costs, so as to be incentive and graduated in relation to the number of children and the level of income. All the working women, are employees, self-employed or atypical, with children and family income below a certain threshold that will grow over time, they must be able to benefit from it. In the first two years of the legislature, the tax credit it can be applied to working women in the South, and then be extended to the whole national territory.
We will also pass a law on gender equality in the labor market, as in Spain, and we will establish
higher scores in the rankings for tenders to companies that respect gender equality.
And at the highest levels, we want the Boards of Directors of public companies to be half-formed
For the conciliation between work and maternity, we offer flexible and "long" hours in kindergartens, elementary schools and in public offices that render the main services to citizens; kindergartens will have to close only one week a Mid-August; elementary schools will have to organize summer activities and remain open also in the afternoon; timetables of trade will have to be liberalized.
We also propose a new fully paid paternity leave, by companies, as in the Scandinavian countries,
additional to the maternity / paternity already foreseen today, and not usable by women; 100 percent parental leave for 12 months, as in France; incentives for the flexibility of hours requested by the employee.
And if we talk about female dignity, the freedom and responsibility of Italian women, let me say once again with extreme clarity: law 194 is a good law, it is a law against the drama of abortion, so much so that it has subtracted
women from the nightmare of clandestinity and in thirty years has almost halved the number of abortions. Let's discuss how
apply it fully, of how to enhance the aspects of prevention. But it is a law that must be defended and it is a theme which must be kept out of the electoral campaign.
6. The sixth innovation goal is to increase the number of rental homes.
In Italy, the share of rented real estate assets is equal to 19 per cent, against 60 in Germany, between 40 and 50 per cent.
Austria, Denmark, France, the Netherlands and Sweden, 30 in the UK.
The scarce availability of rental houses blocks mobility, especially of young people and young couples. The third of the households that do not own homes are exposed to the risk of rising rental costs and difficulties in being able to buying a house without selling another.
Among the measures that we will propose to increase the supply of rental houses, a large social housing project realized by publicly controlled ethical real estate funds, with the central role of Cassa Depositi e Prestiti, which can mobilize resources for 50 billion euros, without public spending, for the construction and management of 700 thousand housing units to be put on the market at rents between 300 and 500 euros.
And a courageous reform of the rent tax regime: to tax rental income at a fixed rate, without prejudice
the option for the condition of best favor; and allow the deductibility of a fixed amount of the rent paid up to
250 euros per month.
7. The seventh major programmatic goal of the Democratic Party is to reverse the current demographic trend, significantly helping families with children, through the institution of the tax dowry for the child, proposed by Florence government conference on the family.
The Dowry replaces the current Allowances for the family unit and the Irpef deductions for dependent children, he assures treatments significantly higher than current ones, it is also aimed at self-employed workers.
The Dowry starts from a full value of 2,500 euros per year on the first child, increasing with the number of second children equivalence parameters and reducing regularly as a function of family income, but in order to improve the treatments also for medium and medium-high incomes.
For incompetent families with children, the Dowry itself acts as a negative tax as it is paid as a transfer.
Nursery must become a universal service, available to anyone who needs it. Our goal, in collaboration with the Regions and local authorities, is to double the number of places within five years, in order to ensure service to at least 20 per cent of children from 0 to 3 years old.
It is also with these tools that the family is supported, which is helped to carry out its important function
We must make ours a child-friendly society, reserving the time and space it has for children need.
And defending children from violence, often familiar, and from the pitfalls that a predatory society puts in place in their comparisons.
I say this by returning for a moment to the experience I have lived in the last seven years. As Mayor I met
thousands of children. I saw them happy in kindergartens, schools, playgrounds with their parents. I saw them not lose your smile and cheerfulness in hospitals. I met, and this is the hardest thing, the gaze of children who they had suffered a trauma, a violence, an abuse.
I have no doubts about few things like this: pedophilia is for me the most horrendous of crimes, it is comparable to crime, because it is the life of a small innocent that is broken. As such, justice must pursue it, with the most
absolute toughness, even in the delivery of the sentence.
8. Eighth objective, eighth innovation challenge: to make the School, the University, the Research a system up to par the challenges of the knowledge society. I limit myself here to anticipating a few proposals.
We need school and university "campuses". We need not training places for kids they are like a factory or an office, but centers of life and ongoing formation.
There are resources not only to redevelop existing structures, but to make them the most beautiful and welcoming places in the Neighborhood. Schools open in the afternoon, with new architectures, quality teaching equipment, technological tools and sports facilities.
One hundred university and school “campuses” will have to be ready by 2010. Knowledge centers for communities locals. Places of training and "internationalization" for our children.
The second commitment concerns evaluation. All students of the schools will periodically undergo
objective tests, which will be used by families to assess the quality of learning of the children and the school attend.
Because it is on talent and merit that the Italian club will have to count. Because talent and merit, if combined with building a system of equal opportunities, they are the best propellant of growth and social cohesion.
And let me say, forty years after '68, that those who then proposed the "political 6" produced a false egalitarianism that it perpetuated existing social and class divisions.
The third commitment concerns the teachers: we will invest in their passion and competence, the real resource of a quality school, starting a real professional career of teachers that values, even here, the merit and commitment.
Investing in teaching professionalism means, for example, providing teachers with sabbaticals intensive updating, as happens for university professors.
As for research, we must encourage companies to invest more resources, focusing only on investments in
research and development grants.
9. Our ninth great goal is actually an absolute priority: the fight against precariousness. And in a broader sense the quality of work, its safety.
I start with this: it is about defending and promoting minimum standards of civilization. But it is also about advancing a high idea of competition and productivity. We must win on international markets for the quality of our productions, therefore for the strength of our work, not because we delude ourselves to be able to compete on costs,
endangering security and sacrificing workers' rights.
And I am proud to be able to announce the Democratic Party's first candidacy in the next elections: it is
that of Antonio Boccuzzi, a Thyssen worker, trade unionist, the only survivor of the seven who took place that night they were on line five.
Job security, being able to work without dying and without getting hurt, is a fundamental right of the person human, which cannot be bought and sold at any price.
We need to create a single National Agency for safety at work, as a place of direction and coordination for
inspection, preventive and repressive activities, also by strengthening the role of consultation.
Also thanks to the Agency's activity, a system of strong rewards for investing companies can be created
in safety, by acting on the level of contributions;
Undeclared workers are also the most exposed to the risk of accidents. Therefore, the companies that welcome must be rewarded
the invitation to regularize and respect contracts.
In Italy, a substantial number of workers have unacceptably low wages; they are found for this in one
a situation of poverty that mainly concerns atypical workers, young people, women, and which is often combined with precarious conditions of employment.
We intend to tackle this situation decisively, with different and converging measures.
The most important is the experimentation of a legal minimum remuneration, agreed between the social partners and the government, for the economically dependent collaborators, with the aim of reaching 1,000 euros per month.
Too many young people are now "trapped" for too long, often for years, in precarious employment relationships.
We will counter this situation by making atypical jobs cost more and favoring a gradual path towards
stable and guaranteed work.
A path that includes an extension of the trial period and an incentive and modulation of the contract
apprenticeship as the main tool for training and for young people to enter work.
In a first period, of variable length to be defined with the parties according to training needs, treatments and
the concessions to the company remain the current ones; at the end of this period, the qualification of the apprentice, with the possibility of continuing the relationship, if necessary to complete the training,
with additional benefits.
After this further period, incentives must be provided to the company that transforms the relationship into an employment contract a indefinite period.
10. The tenth innovation objective concerns one of the first rights, perhaps the first, that every individual has: that to safety.
Despite the generous commitment of the police, citizens feel more insecure: the quality of life comes from it badly damaged. And the damage is more serious for those who are weaker.
Making citizens feel safe, increasing the presence of agents on the street and also using new technologies is one of the main programmatic objectives of the Democratic Party.
It is a question of the amount of public resources dedicated, but it is above all a question of better use of resources human and financial resources already available. If you want more uniformed agents to guard the territory, day and night, in radical measures are required in the center and in the suburbs, in the cities and in the countryside.
We will transfer administrative functions to the common and launch a mobility plan within the Public Administration of civilian personnel today underutilized, to employ them in administrative activities to support police activities.
New technologies, starting with broadband wireless networks (WI-FI, WIMAX) allow an infinite possibility
of control of the territory. With their use, the citizens most exposed to fear can be helped: women who go out sun at night, the elderly who move around the neighborhood, children who go to school, can be protected from network, triggering an alarm in case of danger.
The same private video surveillance initiatives, which are born like mushrooms, could have an advantage
become a terminal of the network, contributing to its expansion and obtaining valuable advantages in return.
Public transport stations and stops can become, by definition, the exact opposite: the
“Security buoys” in the metropolitan sea, allowing agile connections with the police.
Security also depends on the certainty of the sentence. The cases of convicted of crimes are too frequent particular social alarm that are admitted to relevant legal benefits without ever having served a day of prison.
The "security package" approved by the Council of Ministers on 30 October last had increased the number of crimes particularly hateful, among these the robbery, theft in the apartment, the snatching, the forest fire and the violence sexual aggravated. And in all these cases it provided for the obligation of pre-trial detention in prison, the trial immediate, the official application of pre-trial detention in prison already with the first degree sentence and the immediate execution of the final sentence without suspension mechanisms.
We will continue along this line.
11. Innovation needs another decisive sphere in the life of a country and of every citizen: that of justice, legality.
For too many years, in Italy, the confrontation and the clash on justice have exclusively concerned the relations between politics and judiciary.
On this issue, President Napolitano pronounced clear words last Thursday, before the plenum of the CSM
from our conclusive point of view.
However, I wish that, in matters of public ethics and political morality, we were able to be more severe with us.
same of any law and any magistrate.
The Democratic Party cannot arrange for other parties. But for itself, both through the code of ethics and through statutory rules relating to the behavior of its members elected in the institutions, the party establishes strict guidelines in particular on the quality of the appointments available to its representatives.
Codes of conduct and deontological rules leave the time they find, skeptics will observe. It's not true:
citizens are sensitive to honesty in politics and, if honesty becomes a competitive advantage, other parties too they will follow our example.
In any case, we will propose innovative rules for the transparency of appointments under the competence of the policy. For each of them, selection criteria based on competences must be predetermined and made public; activated procedures for public solicitation of candidacies; finally, published the status and the results of the procedures selection.
We will also propose to introduce in our system the principle of non-candidate for the Parliament of
citizens convicted of very serious crimes such as those connected to the mafia and the Camorra, to various forms of crime organized, or for corruption or extortion.
But the real emergency is justice, the one that public opinion perceives as such, because it has devastating effects either on the safety of citizens and on the economic development of the country, is that of the timing of the trial, both criminal and civil, which see Italy at the bottom of Europe and in comparison with advanced countries around the world.
Our eleventh major programmatic objective is therefore to significantly reduce these times, bringing them within the legislature at European levels.
We will carry out the reforms launched in recent years, such as the rationalization and acceleration of
civil and criminal proceedings. But we will also take administrative steps that can be taken
immediately, to increase the efficiency of the Italian judicial system.
I am thinking, for example, of the managerial management of the Judicial Offices, also providing for the manager figure
of the Judicial Office, a magistrate specially trained to carry out this task. I think of the realization of the telematic process, to eliminate the endless paper processes. Or even to the modification of the contracts between lawyers and clients, currently based on the duration of the trial, towards forms based on rewards for speed.
Then there is the issue of telephone, computer and telematic wiretapping. It is an essential tool in order to fight organized crime and bring to justice those who commit crimes of greater social alarm, such as pedophilia and corruption. It is a question of reconciling these aims with fundamental rights, such as the right to information and those to the confidentiality and protection of the person.
In simple words: the magistrates must be guaranteed maximum freedom, citizens maximum protection.
The absolute prohibition of publication of all documentation relating to wiretapping and requests and orders issued on precautionary measures up to the end of the preliminary hearing, and investigations, serves a protect the fundamental rights of citizens and the investigations themselves, which are often compromised by disclosure undue of procedural acts.
It is necessary to identify in the Public Prosecutor the person responsible for the custody of the documents, drastically reduce the number of listening centers and establish penal and administrative sanctions much more severe than the current ones, to make them
such as to be an effective deterrence to the violation of constitutionally protected rights.
12. Twelfth innovation objective, twelfth challenge: to bring broadband throughout Italy and guarantee everyone
Italians a quality TV.
The effective possibility of access to the broadband network must become a right recognized to all citizens and to all companies, throughout the national territory, exactly as it happens for the water service or energy
We will implement broadband wireless networks starting from large cities to create an environment available to management of new collective services. There is no need for large public investments: they are infinitely fewer technologies expensive of classic public works. Above all, they are systems that activate private initiative, create new ones convenience to cooperate, attract investments.
Developing a national program for info-cities is all the more important for bringing Italy into the age of TV
digital with more freedom, more competition, more quality, more autonomy from politics.
More freedom means overcoming the duopoly, made possible today by the increase in channels guaranteed by digital TV.
To go beyond the duopoly it is necessary to correct the excesses of concentration of economic resources,
thus increasing the degree of pluralism and freedom of the system.
Freedom of information is a cornerstone of democracy, as a great journalist taught us, who remains in the heart of all Italians, Enzo Biagi.
More competition means bringing the frequency allocation regime back to the principles of European legislation of the jurisprudence of the Constitutional Court.
More quality: we propose to set up a fund, financed by a tax rate on advertising revenues, to finance them
quality productions. Saying quality and saying Italy are the same thing. It is true if we think about our culture. If we think about a sector in which it is not possible that our country has many positions: that of tourism.
More autonomy of television from politics immediately means new rules for the RAI government. Our idea is
that of a Foundation that owns the shares, which appoints a sole administrator of the responsible public service of management.
These are some of our ideas for changing the country. This is the path of innovation that awaits Italy.
indifference policy
The counter-proof of the meaning of this result came instead with the success of the ordinary man, a movement
born from the newspaper of the same name directed by the playwright Guglielmo Giannini, and who had distinguished himself, obtaining a
very rapid success, especially for the way in which he had attacked the official political forces, accused of a
excess of commitment to reform, a criticism that was summarized in the famous slogan: "enough with politics, live
the administration! "Behind this movement, which suddenly led to the Constituent Assembly about thirty
deputies, without any organizational structure, with only the propaganda force of the newspaper, was not standing
certainly no movement of ideas, nor a precise program, but a very widespread mood especially in the
middle class clerks and the petty bourgeoisie and rooted in the national tradition, that is, an attitude
individualistic and particularistic, in which Albertian morality found a version adapted to the new times. It was
a momentary explosion, because the voters of the ordinary man then flowed back into the parties of the right, disappearing
from the official political landscape. But this success, albeit temporary, indicated clearly and in a way
the tenacious persistence of a not so latent dimension of national consciousness that it once was is impressive
later cause of many consequences operating within the parties that welcomed the indifferent.
Carlo Tullio-Altan, Our Itralia-Socio-cultural backwardness, clientelism, transformism and rebellion from Unity to today, Feltrinelli 1986, 131
regime / re'd Ê’ ime /, not com. / 'r É› d Ê’ ime / sm [from Lat. regÄmen regimÄnis "government, administration", der. of regÄ•re
"hold"]. - 1. (polit.) A. Political order, form or system of state or government: a. Democrat, parliamentarian,
presidential; r. assembly, in which power resides in parliamentary assemblies; r. monarchist, absolute,
authoritarian, military. b. Authoritarian state or government, and in particular. the fascist one, or even the system it has
authoritarian approaches and tendencies to the occupation of all positions of power: a democratic government that stands
turning into regime. ▲ Locuz. prep .: regime, which conforms to government directives: regime newspapers. 2.
(extens.) a. Way of behaving and regulating oneself in economic and social life: having a high (or good) r. of life. b.
Way of behaving in food, as a habit or spec. hygienic or medical: follow a good r.
food; r. low-calorie or high-calorie, low-fat or high-lipid, etc. ● Expressions: to be (or to stay or to put oneself) a
regime, follow a diet. 3. (econ ... regime / re'd Ê’ ime /, not com. / 'R É› d Ê’ ime / sm [from the Latin regÄmen regimÄnis
"government, administration", der. to regĕre "to hold"]. - 1. (polit.) A. Political order, state form or system o
government: r. democratic, parliamentary, presidential; r. assembly, in which the power resides in the assemblies
parliamentarians; r. monarchical, absolute, authoritarian, military. b. Authoritarian state or government, and in particular. the fascist one, or
also an order that has authoritarian approaches and tendencies to occupy all positions of power: a government
democratic that is turning into a regime. ▲ Locuz. prep .: of regime, which conforms to government directives:
regime newspapers. 2. (extens.) A. Way of behaving and regulating oneself in economic and social life: having a high (o
a good) r. of life. b. Way of behaving in food, as a habit or spec. hygienic or medical:
follow a good r. food; r. low-calorie or high-calorie, low-fat or high-lipid, etc. ● Expressions: to be (or
stay or get) at full capacity, follow a diet 3. (econ., Polit.) How an activity is regulated and regulated:
trade in r. monopoly. ● Expressions: currency regime, the set of rules governing, in a state, the
foreign currency transactions. 4. a. Trend of a phenomenon in a given period of time and in
certain conditions: a. permanent, uniform, stationary, continuous and r. variable, transient; r. of precipitation.
b. Referred to a watercourse, flow rate trend: r. of flood, of lean of a river. c. Operation phase
of a machine: the maximum r. of revolutions of an engine. ▲ Locuz. prep. (also with use fig.): at full speed, at maximum
constant speed allowed and, fig., incessantly, without rest: an engine running at full r .; work at
full r .; at steady state, at constant speed over time and, fig., in full functioning conditions: the reform will go to r.
next year.
Encyclopedia Treccani
"maximalist extremism"
Taxation is a component of the SOCIAL CONTRACT which is stipulated between CITIZENS and the STATE POLICY UTOPISM IDEOLOGICAL TOTALITARISM
God save us from the utopians, men full of zeal and sure of the path towards the social and perfect order. Here they are again,
totalitarians in other guise, harmless and isolated now, but constantly growing and full of anger and yearning for a yet another bloodbath.
Never bandage your head before falling and even if you fall do not despair: the chances of "getting up" increase during the day
in day.
Prometheus Epimetheus
Everyone knows the story of Prometheus, the one who first thinks and then acts, few know the story of his brother
Epimetheus, the one who first acts and then thinks. Yet their destinies are inseparable.
“There was a time when Gods existed, but mortal beings did not yet exist. When the time came
destined for their birth, the Gods formed them under the earth, with earth, fire and everything that mixes with these
elements. Wishing to bring them to light, the Gods ordered Prometheus and Epimetheus to adorn those beings and gods
distribute the capacities among them according to what each of them was entitled to. Epimetheus obtained from Prometheus to be able
proceed with the distribution yourself. The imprudent distributed everything among the animals, so that man remained
completely helpless and naked. Thus the provident Prometheus could not help stealing the fire and the arts of Hephaestus and
of Pallas Athena from their common temple, to give them to mankind. Since then man has been able to live, but
Prometheus - though Epimetheus was to blame - was punished for his action. And he was punished, as was right, by the
brother Epimetheus. »(K.KERENYI, The gods and heroes of Greece, Garzanti, Milan, 1982).
- Son of Iapetus, you who know more than all the others, you rejoiced that you stole the fire and deceived me; but what
it will be to your detriment and that of future men. They will indeed receive from me, in exchange for the fire, a curse of which
they will rejoice, surrounding with love what will constitute their misfortune.
Thus spoke the father of gods and men and laughed. He immediately ordered Hephaestus to mix some earth and water,
to introduce human voice and strength into it and to create a beautiful and desirable maiden similar in appearance to the immortal goddesses. To
Athena was ordered to teach her the art of weaving, women's work, to the golden Aphrodite to surround the head of the
girl of amorous charm and yearning desires. To Hermes Zeus ordered to give the girl a shamelessness
from bitch and fallacy. All obeyed the ruler's order. The famous architect made the image of one with the earth
demure girl. Pallas Athena decorated her with a belt and a robe. Le Cariti and Peito put a necklace around her neck
gold. The Hours garlanded the girl with spring flowers. Hermes placed in her breast the lie, the flattery and
deception. The messenger of the Gods gave her a voice and called the woman Pandora, as all the Olympians had her
created as a gift, to the detriment of bread-eating men.
When the threatening trap was ready, against which there is no defense, the father sent the famous and swift one
messenger from Epimetheus, with the gift. He did not care what Prometheus had once told him, namely
not to accept any gift from Zeus, but to send everything back to him, so that no harm would come to mortals.
He took the gift and only later noticed the evil. Formerly mankind had lived on earth without any evil,
without fatigue and disease that could lead to death. Now, however, the woman removed the lid of the
large vase and let its contents spread everywhere, to the sad detriment of men. Only Elpis, the
Hope, he remained inside the indestructible prison, under the rim of the vase, and did not fly out. In front of her the woman closed
the lid, according to the will of Zeus. The rest of the swarm, innumerable and sad, has circulated everywhere between
men and the earth is full of evil and the sea is full of evil. Diseases affect men during the day, they come
unexpected at night, fatal and mute, for the astute Zeus denied them the voice. There is therefore no way to deceive the
insight of Zeus. The story of the woman's creation continued telling how the young creature, of
fresh come into the world, out of curiosity had removed the lid of a container of the type of those large vases of
terracotta in which we still preserve oil and wheat today, leaving the swarm of evils that were there free
locked up. With these evils, and precisely with illnesses, death also came into the world and thus was fulfilled
distinction between men and immortal gods
In summary, Prometheus helps man to live, snatching secrets from the Gods, Epimetheus brings death to humanity
carelessly abandoning himself to Eros.
Prometheus is the hero who fights to wrest control over human destiny from the Gods,
Epimetheus is the hero who wants to enjoy the gifts of the Gods at the cost of getting sick and dying.
Prometheus does not fear fate, chains and death, Epimetheus realizes that he must die when it is too much
late. Both love life but Prometheus embraces it, Epimetheus is embraced by it.
Prometheus contemplates life and can "save" it, Epimetheus abandons himself to life and can "lose it".
Prometheus helps to "live", Epimetheus must be helped to "die".
With these words of FRANCESCO CAMPIONE more than ten years ago the publication of a magazine was inaugurated,
ZETA. RESEARCH AND DOCUMENTS ON DEATH AND DYING, of which we wanted to reproduce the entire Editorial of the first number. The ideal reasons that animated it are still ours. We couldn't find the venue
of the Editors, to ask for permission to reproduce that exemplary text.
But let's continue reading it.
This is why a magazine that aims, like the one that sees the light today, to deal with and worry about man
who dies at the hands of Eros (that is, because he acts first and then thinks, because he acts instinctively, because he wants to
fully live its naturalness), it must be named after Epimetheus rather than Prometheus, unlike
as those who live above Eros tend to think (we are referring here to frequent failure
integration of the erotic-biological-drive dimension in the way of understanding existence based on principles
ideals or ethics).
In other words, our work is dedicated to Epimetheus, that is to the man-hero who, abandoning himself to life,
precisely for this reason he consumes it and continually "dies", to man in the attempt to be fully himself
continually discovers that he is never quite, because he is tired, sick, dispossessed, needy, yearning for
new, dazed, unconscious, drugged, incomplete, empty, alone, false, wounded, humiliated, dying, distressed.
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